
The Alpha Numeration

Hazel grew up as a peasant girl in the country side, all she ever had to worry about was whether the rains came in time for planting season or the price of grain in the markets. Now the werewolve tribe is bearing down on the humans to destroy them all, and she is being offered up as a sacrificial bride to the werewolve king. Please your husband, and he would take care of you, she is told, but Hazel soon discovers in a world were she is rated the least in Numerations, can world of jungle rule were only the fit survive, pleasing her husband might be a little more difficult than she had been told

JuneEstee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 4

Hazel arrived at the first house that always bought her wildlife from her. The house was still quiet, the ground a bit damp from morning dew, and no one up and about yet. She was about to knock, when a voice stopped her, startling her a little.

''Don't touch tha door. Yes are not worthy enough.''

Hazel sighed and turned around. She had almost gotten used to being bullied by youths her age, but lately, the bullying had taken on a new dimension that scared her. Once, a group of boys had cornered her, and then tried to kiss her in turns, with their hands up her skirts. It had taken the timely arrive of a strange man from the city who introduced himself as Lord Garreth for her salvation.

Another time, a big scary looking boy had taken scissors to her clothes, telling her he wanted to see if she was as wierd underneath her clothes as her face was.

Hazel had struggled silently with him, terrified at the wildness blazing out of his eyes, and it had only been the appearance of his mama, a large buxomy woman that saved her. The woman however, beat Hazel with a broom, and threatened to have her properly flogged if she ever came near the boy again.

Hazel could still remember that day. She had gone home feeling terrified, and yet, a strange kind of heat that was not at all unpleasant was in her belly. The fact shamed her, so that for the first time, she put a bowl of still water in front of her, and gazed at her reflection.

There had to be something deep within her, some shame that had been created by the circumstances of her birth. Some inherent shame that could not be explained, and yet it could never be denied, and that shame set her apart for ridicule and for mockery. It ensured that she was never to be accepted wherever she went.

The boy had said her face was wierd, and she stared into the water, fully expecting to find out he was correct. To see perhaps four eyes or two pairs of nostrils, but instead she had seen a normal face, like the same ones the villagers had, albeit a bit unusual.

Her face was small, petit, and dominated by large green eyes, framed by long, dark lashes. Eyes that even then, stared into her from the water in a silent accusation. Her rose bud lips were small, and looked as though she had just sucked on a cherry, even though she could never afford such luxury. Her red - gold hair grew wildly, springing in all directions. It struck her as odd, but at that moment, Hazel felt if a fairy were to choose a human face to wear, it would be hers.

That had been a while ago, and since then, Hazel avoided looking into any still water, for fear of what she might see there.

''Ye have come to supply tha awful tasting meat agin.'' The voice spoke again, and Hazel finally saw who it was, when the owner of the voice stepped out from a cottage behind her. She breathed a sigh of relief. It was a boy of about ten. Kids of that age were hardly overcome with the urge to kiss her, or to tear her clothes.

''Is your mother in?'' She asked. ''' am here to supply meat.''

Mrs. Redcliffe who was probably the boys mother was a small middle aged woman with a pleasant disposition. She was the only one who treated Hazel with cutesy and a little Kindness, even once inviting her in for a drink of water.

Her son was probably not his mother however, not when it came to manners. His little fat face contorted in anger and a bit of confusion. ''I said be gone. We will not buy meat from ye this morn.''

Hazel was getting exasperated. She opened her mouth to speak again, when the front door opened, and Mrs. Redcliffe stepped out. ''Ah! Hazel you are here a bit early.'' The woman said pleasantly. ''I hope my son has not been a bother.'' She shot her son a warning glance as she said this, and Hazel simply shook her head.

The woman helped Hazel bring down the stick from her shoulders, then she went back inside and came out with some coins. She was buying all the meat from Hazel. The fear of famine was so strong, the woman explained, and people feared even she would soon not be able to catch enough animals.

Hazel smiled her thanks, and took her money as she turned to go. It would be a funny day indeed, when she entered the forest and didn't catch enough animals.