
Part 1


So turns out I slept almost the whole day away what do you expect its a mother freaking Sunday night and its 7:30 pm I mean come on don't judge me people, anyways I got out my bed took a shower and put on a black fall out boy shirt, with back jeans, black heels, and a black beanie.

Oh wait how rude of me let me tell you about myself i'm a brunette with red streaks in my hair,i love dark clothes,my eyes are hazel,oh and i'm also 50% werewolf and 50% witch from a powerful bloodline now i don't have a wolf,i can run faster than a human but not a wolf,i can cast spells,i can change into a wolf by the way i'm a black wolf,i can also mindlink,my eyes change colors and that's it oh wait my three boy best friends Damon,Matt and Luke are werewolves my other best friend lily is a witch too but we all mask our scents so other supernatural creatures can't tell what we are plus im an alphas and witches daughter so yeah.

when i go down stairs i see my mom and dad and they both turn to me and i point outside, knowing I'm going on my midnight walk and they just shake their head yes and turn back to the tv my parents and i have that kinda understanding so i grab my adventure backpack and leave the house but not before locking the door.

About five minutes later I make it to my destination the park.

As I sit on the bench I hear 2 gun shots and a growl, I quickly hop to my feet when i hear the bushes moving but what i see what comes out of the bush is the most handsome man ever holding his arm while blood ran down his arm, i snap out of my daze and move towards him his eyes snap up to meet mine and he growls.

I quickly look side to side and look up in the air "I know he did not just growl at the person trying to help him " I said out loud and looked back at him to find him smirking"Are you freaking bipolar first you growl now you smirk like what the fudge"I question.

"sorry" he grumbles

"no worries," I say and kneel next to him

"so mind telling me what happened to you" I ask him as I open my bag but he just shakes his head no

"so let's talk and it probably won't hurt as much," I said and he shook his head up and down.

"ok," I said lifting up his sleeve "my name is Victoria but you probably want your own name for me no one call's me Vic so you can call me that,"I said while taking my tweezers out of my first aid kit and pulling both bullets out.

"ok, Vic thanks for my own nick name for you my name is Grayson you can call me Gray," he said as I put alcohol on his wound "fuck" he yelled as I put it on his wound.

"sorry and last part gray," I said thinking of something else and laughing while getting the needle out.

"what's so funny Vic," gray asked curiously

"Nothing "i said still laughing

"Tell me now "he said getting serious

"Your gonna think its stupid"i told him

"Your falling for me its ok it happens to the best of us"he said joking which i laughed so did he

"No you lunatic Gray sounds like bae"i said then you could see the amusement in his eyes even as i was stitching up the wound

"so what are you gonna call me"he asked moving his eyebrows up and down as i finished stitching his wound and put a bandaid with medicine in it on the wound.

"I'll call you both maybe bae mostly when nobody around," I said moving my eyebrows and putting my things back in my bag.

"that will work but can you do it when people are around too"he says

"People will think were dating"i said putting my backpack on

"What's so wrong with that"he asked

"Nothing i guess "i said

"so is that a yes"he asked

"Its a maybe now run along and go home Gray"i said and he smiled and walked towards me.

"can I walk you home," he asked

"No now give me a hug and disappear," I said holding my arms out for him to walk in and give me a hug.

"fine but i don't approve of this"he said

"Ok bye Gray see you around"i say

"See you around Vic"grayson says as we part way and i'm on my way home for the night just like that but as i leave his presence i quickly miss it but then i remember we just met but even best friends are strangers before they meet i thought and in some part of my mind i wanted to be more than friends with gray,he was just so captivating his presence made me feel safe and when i finally snap out of my thoughts i realize i was on the wrong way home so you know what i do? no i don't pull out my phone i shout one name three times and they come running.

"Midnight Midnight Midnight" is all I have to say then I start hearing hooves clack against the street and I know that my familiar midnight who is a black stallion with white down his legs is coming now other people can see midnight too but you can't steal him because he is in this amulet I have.

Soon enough i turn to look behind me and see midnight all in my face and i hug him"hey boy don't do that you scared me now let's race home huh?"i asked knowing he could understand me he shook his head up and down then he ran away from me and i held my hand out when Midnight came running past me i grabbed his mane and hoisted myself up while he ran home as soon as we got there i ran in and got an apple for Midnight and went to bed.

i woke up to lily " we have new students coming take a shower,brush your teeth,hair,and put clothes on"my bestie lily said waking me up and when i sat up in the bed i saw Damon in my bean bag chair, lily on my couch,Luke leaning against the door this is how it usually goes in the morning lily always waking me up i get out my bed take a shower,brush my hair,teeth,and put a white shirt with black sleeves on that says 'I hate you because you make me hate you on it',black combat boots,and tights that are two different colors on each side.

Now I bet you're wondering where Matt is well he's an alpha and doesn't live here so every once in a while we all go down to see him. Matt's a tad bit older than us though but we don't care we all still rock together and when were all together no body can take us apart from one another.

"Ready to go," I ask and they nod there heads while getting my phone and backpack then we all went down stairs to see my parents.

"Bye mom and dad"i shout as I run outside with my friends I can hear there 'goodbyes' and 'have a good day sweetie' as we leave my friends to get in there cars while I get on Midnight he stays in the back yard but comes to the front when I have school so we arrive at school the others shortly behind us parking their vehicles and I get off Midnight.

"Ok boy go on now I'm gonna sit at our usual table inside go on," I say as my friends walk up to me and Midnight

"I'll see you later," I said to him and he bobbed his head up and down putting his front legs in the air and standing on his hind this got peoples attention but what shocked them is when midnight grabbed a flower from the trees and bowed.

"I would be honored kind, sir," I said bowing as he put the flower in my hair and galloped away I then turned to my friends.

"Shall we'' I said linking arms with luke and Damon while Luke linked arms with lily also we laughed and walked in together.