
The Alpha King's Tribrid Mate

Warning:Mature content. ... Layla shivered as Riven's hot lips trailed down her jawline, burning a hot trail towards her lips that were aching to be kissed. But he didn't kiss her. Instead he hovered a breathe away over her parted lips. His palms gripped her waist and pulled her closer. He watched her with half-closed eyes, his golden pupils burning with raw passion. Layla trembled under his intense gaze and her lips parted further. "Riven...", she whispered. "Tell me what you want, my sweet Layla". Riven's husky response caressed her ears. "Kiss me...please". ... How well can we survive from the trauma of childhood abuse? Most times, all it takes is a step off the edge of a cliff to end it all. And that is what Layla did. Born from rape and abused since childhood, Layla loses her ability to speak and gradually loses the zeal to continue living. There was nothing left for her in the cruel world and she was ready to put an end to it. Giving up on life, she made her way to the edge of a cliff overlooking the vast ocean. Without a second thought, she closed her eyes and let her body go, welcoming the peace and calmness that came with death. And when she opened her eyes again, there was a pair of golden eyes staring back at her. ... Supreme Alpha Riven Qinn, Alpha of Dark Creek Pack, strongest and most powerful lycan ever, has lived for centuries and with each passing full moon, he loses the hope of ever finding his one true mate. But fate directs him and he finds Layla on the shores of the river surrounding his territory, almost buried under the wet sand. He touched her and one word resounded in his head. MATE! Safe in the arms of the Alpha, Layla realizes the world is not as cruel as she thought. A deep passion springs forth between the mated lovers and Layla finds herself longing for his touch and presence. Suddenly strange phenomenon begins to occur. Layla's speech is restored and along with it comes strange powers coupled with the gut wrenching pain she endures every full moon. An ancient fae is consulted and it is discovered that Layla is a special being. A Tribrid. Born from the three strongest bloodlines. This discovery brings forth damned creatures and giant titans from Tartarus, all with a desire to possess the blood of the Tribrid which can cause great havoc in the wrong hands. Riven and Layla will have to fight against Tartarus and the endless conspiracies that threatens to tear them apart. In the course of saving the world, can their love overcome all obstacles or will fate bring them to ruin? Author's Note:This is not your usual werewolf story. It's my version. Author:BellaCupid Email:cupidofafrica@gmail.com Email:bellaxcobar@gmail.com Discord:BellaCupid#2434 Instagram:bellacupid17

BellaCupid · Fantasy
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55 Chs

You make her vulnerable

Annabelle had her eyes towards the windows, looking into the distance. Her eyes were unfocused, lost in the events of the past. Her heart broke all over again when she thought back to Riftan and she shut her eyes. She didn't want to be relive the pain she felt that particular day. A lot of years had passed and still, the pain remained fresh on her memory.

"So you took Layla to the human world. Why? What were you protecting her from?",Riven asked quietly, one hand holding Layla's palm while his eyes never left the Sorceress.

Annabelle heaved a deep sigh and formulated a lie to tell Riven. She didn't tell him the real origin of Layla's birth;no that was her own secret. She only told him the part he needed to know. How she escaped the annihilation and gave her daughter to Maria, to keep her safe. She was about to answer when Henrietta cut in rudely.

"What about Layla's father?",Henrietta asked.

Annabelle scowled at the witch. She didn't like the interruption and she certainly didn't like the witch.

"Her father is dead!",she said darkly, turning her eyes away before they discovered she was lying. She had never been good in lying. "He died in the annihilation. And to answer your question...",she said and turned back to Riven. "I was protecting her from enemies that could have tried to harm her"

"Why then did you fake your death?",Henrietta asked again. She didn't believe most of Annabelle's words and it was obvious in the way she stared at the Sorceress.

Before Annabelle could snap out a snarky retort, Riven interrupted her.

"Leave us Henrietta. You too Cade, Caleb". He wanted to be alone with Annabelle before he asked the main question bothering him. Silently, Henrietta left with Cade and Caleb behind her. Riven waited until the door closed behind them before his attention returned to Layla. He was relieved to see her healthy complexion was back, but there was a brooding look in his eyes, a thoughtful expression on his handsome face.

Annabelle stared at her daughter intensely. Her heart overflowed with love and pride. Although Riftan really hurt her, she had to admit that they both made a beautiful daughter. Layla was a spitting image of Annabelle, with only Riftan's hair and eyes. And Annabelle didn't regret the passion she shared with Riftan years ago.

"If she's really a Sorceress like you, why does she go through such pain?",Riven finally asked.

Annabelle gasped and his curiosity was piqued instantly. He noticed that she avoided his eyes and he knew instantly that she was hiding something.

"What pain?",Annabelle asked, puting on an expressionless face while her heart thudded heavily within her.

"Layla goes through terrible pain every full moon",Riven told her while he watched her expression closely. "At first it wasn't so serious but lately, it turned intense"

"That's what made her unconscious", Annabelle said slowly.

"It is". Riven watched Annabelle carefully, waiting to hear what she would say. His eyes observed her closely, like he would stare into her soul. He seemed to be waiting for something.

Annabelle schooled her expression and took a deep breath. Lying was so difficult for her, but she had no choice. She couldn't tell Riven the cause of Layla's pain. Intense pain every full moon meant Layla's lycan powers were gradually manifesting and if she didn't subdue it in time, it would unleash. If Riven knew what his mate really was, he wouldn't let her take Layla away from the island. And the only reason why she came back to this island was to take Layla away. She had to find every possible way to succeed.

A frown settled on her face, scrunching up her eyebrows. Her expression meant her next words won't be pleasant to hear and after a long silence, she finally looked up at Riven with a serious face.

"It's complicated. You can't keep her with you",she told him.

Riven was taken aback by her words. He had been expecting something bad, but certainly not what she just said. A scowl settled between his brows and he stared at Annabelle like she just grew horns on her head.

"What do you mean I can't keep my mate with me?",he asked incredulously. The thought of leaving Layla never crossed his mind, not even once. And he was sure Annabelle was spurting nonsense.

"Like I said, it's complicated", Annabelle said again and gently dropped Layla's hand she had been holding. She stood up and walked towards the window to stare outside. The island had changed much since she left. "She's vulnerable", she said over her shoulder.

"Explain", Riven demanded.

Annabelle turned around and stared at him while she leaned against the wall.

"Being with you drains her spirit and makes her vulnerable", she explained slowly. "As each day passes, she grows weaker with the pain. I was lucky to arrive on time to save her. But she can't remain with you. She can't remain on the island"

Riven slowly let go off Layla's hand and balled his hands into tight fists. He was having a hard time controlling his anger and he didn't want to lash out and disturb his mate.

"Are you trying to say I make her suffer? That... that I'm the cause of her pain?",he asked in a tight voice laced with anger. He looked towards Layla who was still unconscious and a dreadful feeling settled at the pit of his stomach.

"It's not that you can't be with her", Annabelle quickly reassured him. The lie was getting too difficult for her to say. "Her powers as a Sorceress are manifesting, but her body is weak and can't contain such tremendous power. I can't tell what suffering she has been through, I've missed out so much of my daughter's life. All these makes her body and spirit extremely weak. She is at her weakest point"

Riven took a step away from the bed as if his presence alone would bring back the pain and make Layla turn weak again.

"It doesn't mean you can't touch her Riven", Annabelle said tiredly.

"Then what exactly do you mean? I'm not sure I understand you",Riven said in annoyance. He didn't like what Annabelle was insinuating. How could he be the cause of Layla's pain? She was his mate, for the love of the goddess.

Annabelle sighed deeply and went back to sit beside Layla. She wished Layla would wake up soon, so she could start making up for all the lost years they were apart.

"What I mean is this",she said to Riven, her purple eyes sharp and precise. "As a Supreme Alpha, your aura is extremely strong and powerful. And it clashes with Layla's spirit. Being around you and other shifters is dangerous for her. Your aura suppresses her and makes her weak"

"So she's weak because she's surrounded by powerful auras?"

"Something like that",Annabelle said and shrugged. "Like I said before, it's complicated"

"What are you suggesting now?",Riven asked, dreading her answer but wanting to hear it.

"I will have to take her away from the island. Away from you"

thanks for the continuous voting lovelies ❤️@MAWUSI_EZU, @Uniqueness_12. you guys are the best. Another chapter will come later. let's keep voting and supporting the book ❤️

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