
The Alpha King's Rejected Mate

Misty was an innocent human who grew up amongst werewolves. Her father was the alpha to the white moon park, her mom was the Luna as well. Imagine the horror her father might have felt immediately they gave birth to twin girls and one turned out to be a human which he wasn't neither was his wife was. People hated and treated Misty badly for the misfortune she brought to the pack immediately after her birth. When Misty had clocked 18, she was rejected by the lycan king, her own mate, Terror because she was human. .....

Raya_Ray · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Misty's pov~

When I woke up, I found myself in an all too familiar place, the dark room, a place where my dad often sent me to self-reflect.

The dark room was almost like a dungeon but the only difference was that, it was kept neat at all times and a terrifying difference was that it was too dark, not even a mouse hole was made for light to pass through and it had only one escape route which was the main door guarded by 6-7 guards per day.

Remembering the incident that occurred in the cafeteria, I knew it wasn't that simple, come on, mia was the 2nd most  strongest she wolf in the white moon pack after my mom.

How could a mere small push, make her hurt herself so bad. Mia could easily dodge the powerful kick of a huge troll six times our actual sizes and heights.

As I thought about this, I didn't need the god of mathematics to solve it out for me before I understood that those were all her plans to make my parents punish me.

I closed my eyes and brought my bent knees closer to my chest because not only I was terrified of the darkness, I just felt the existence of another 'Thing' next to me.

I pressed my back towards the wall, wishing that I could disappear into the wall or for the ground to open and swallow me.

Then I heard shuffling around me, this time more louder.


"Who's there!.." I yelled as my fingers paled and my voice turned hoarse in fear.


Despite my constant questions and screams, my voice only resounded around the silent room and there wasn't a reply.

I was all alone.

The chains only allowed some movement.

My feet were bare, and I couldn't contain my scream as something furry brushed past my feet.

Rats. My father had put me with rats.

I stared at the light, watching the hours tick by. No food or water was brought to me. This was my punishment.

The rats didn't come near me after that first one.

Tears filled my eyes as the light slowly began to ebb away, making way toward the darkness. With the dark, I had no choice but to close my eyes, to try to send myself to a happy place.

Bad shit always happened in the dark.

My dead nanny had always told me to take long, deep breaths and to try to think of all the good things in life. Right now, there was nothing good. Only fear.

The night was closing in, and with it, fear clawed its way within my chest, threatening to take over.


Why was my life so miserable. I dipped my fingers into my ears as I tried to block off the taunting and mocking voices which resounded inside my ears.

"The orc is coming... oh my!"

"Misty, orc!!"

"I don't really believe in that prophesy until I saw you, I knew without a doubt that you were the one to bring calamity to the white moon pack. Misty, orc!"

And it went on for three days and I felt like my stomach was going to fall off. I felt an excruciating pain in my stomach, a kind of pain that was Soo painful but didn't stand a chance against the pain and resentment already deeply etched inside my heart.

Finally, the 5th day, I was pulled out of the dark room by three guards and as I walked back to my own room, I could hear harsh mumurs and Snickers around me. Even the maids were pointing their fingers at me.

"Hahaha, just 5 days in the dark room and she looks uglier than an orc!"

"And you forgot to mention one thing, she stinks.... Like poop!"

"What do you expect from someone who was kept in a dark small room for 5 days. The dark room doesn't have a bathroom okay!"

I paused, feeling a little bit shocked that someone was finally standing up for me but the girl's next reply, shattered all my hopes.

"Regardless, she still smells like poop.... So disgusting!"

I couldn't take it anymore, I blocked my ears as I dashed into my room with tears falling down my eyelids.

The more I listened, the more I felt like I was loosing my sanity.

Immediately, I was inside my room, I closed the door and rushed towards my bed, laying on it, I released a heart wrenching sob.

That day, I didn't leave my room, the only place I went to was the kitchen to steal some left over crumbs of rice from the pot.

Ofcourse, the maids wouldn't bother to get me anything to eat, am sure they would have preferred that I died of hunger.

I thought that as long as I stayed in my room, away from everybody, especially my twin sister, Mia, everything would be okay but I was wrong.

Because a huge party was thrown by the alpha of all alphas, Alpha Terror. According to rumours, it was a party that should be attended by all mateless werewolves, both male and female. It was a lifetime opportunity for any Werewolf to finally meet his or her soulmate.

Yes, I was human but my parents deemed it necessary that I must be present there, next to my sister and they never gave me a relevant reason for that. Maybe, they wanted me to act as Mia's maid again, licking her boots and following her with tails wagging.

I desperately pray to the moon goddess that the party Should be postponed but it seemed like the more I prayed, the more time moved faster than a speed of light and before I knew it....

It was the D- Day!
