
Chapter 32 : Attack!


I was running through a towering forest of pines, leaping over fallen branches and berry bushes. My heart was thundering in my chest and my lungs were burning from the extended exertion. I had been running for hours.

It was an unfamiliar forest, which made it dangerous to move at this speed, but I didn’t have time to slow down and explore. If I didn’t catch up to Ferrah soon, I would lose her for good.

It had been a very long time since I had gone so far from the village on my own. Normally, if I ventured outside of pack territory, it was with a number of my men and we were preparing for a raid.

There was something freeing about being out on my own, even if it was under unfavorable circumstances. I enjoyed the feeling of the dirt beneath my bare feet and the cool wind whipping my face. Focusing on those things helped to keep my anxiety from becoming overwhelming.