
The Alpha King's Mate Is A Hybrid

"Are you ready " He asked with his voice low and husky All I could do was nod and close my eyes as he pushed his thick length into me " Keep your eyes on me little one " He ordered trying to hold himself back from thrusting hard..... Juliana Fischer was kidnapped at a tender age by scientists, living most of her teenage life in captivity. she gets rescued by the Alpha King who turns out to be her fated mate as the journey to recovery both mentally and physically for Juliana was deemed a long one . The Alpha king , a soft and loving mate was ready to do about anything to live the life he always envisioned with his mate but fate has other plans for them. Forces began working against their union but nothing was going to keep the Alpha king from claiming his little mate . Filled with twists , captivating turns and a little bit of smut.

Dike_Prosper · Urban
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5 Chs



I looked around me to see the bodies of fallen wolves, they would surely be remembered.

" Round off the survivors " I spoke through the mind link. We had won the battle but not the war , someone had tipped them off that we would be attacking and as a result the head scientist , the mad man in charge of everything was absent. I knew until we found and ended him , we were not completely safe but for now we will tend for our own who were injured and to the survivors who were found.

" How many survivors do we have " I asked my Beta

" twelve Alpha but I believe we have a mole among us –" His response was caught off immediately.

I didn't worry for him, my Beta knew how to take care of himself and those around him . I turned my attention back to the mass slaughter site that unraveled before me . We would burn this place to the ground.

" Alpha , we got another survivor but you might want to see this now !" The beta's voice had a level of urgency that was difficult to ignore.

" I am on my way " I raced to where he was situated , the north wing. The more ground I covered the more my wolf became agitated. I knew what this meant as I had waited for this moment my entire life.

I had finally found my mate .

Instead of smelling the sweet aroma that was said to waffle the air when you find your mate, all I could smell was her blood. I could only smell her blood, a lot of it . I pumped faster fearing the worst. The sight that awaited me made my blood boil and my heart hammer in my chest.

All I saw was red as there my mate laid on the cold grass with her blood sipping from her ragged shirt and painting the ground.

I immediately smelt her blood on my Beta and without thinking , I attacked him .

" What did you do!!" My elongated fangs were ready to snap his neck.

He knew better and bowed his head in surrender. I then decided to access the situation and once I saw the dead scientist , I put two and two together. I immediately let him go and rushed to my mate .

I picked her up and she weighed a feather but despite the bruises and marks that lined her body , she was still the most exotic being I had ever seen . I had come across many beautiful she wolves in my lifetime but they didn't hold a candle talk more of a flame next to her. She had dark hair that was mated to her scalp with dirt and debris and how plump her lips was , she was indeed a beauty.

As I picked her up , she was freezing but even in her unconscious state ,she snuggled closer to me seeking warmth . Her eyes briefly opened and I was left speechless by her mismatched eyes . They were a perfect combination of green and blue . I was brought back to reality as I felt her whimper and her heart began to slow down .

" She was hit with a wolfsbane bullet" My Beta chirped in .

That one sentence sprung me into action and I raced for her dear life to the pack doctors who were on stand by .

" Fix Her!!" I growled at one.

" Yes Alpha right away!" he replied in fear . I was this close to killing everything in my path.

My mate , the one I had searched high and low for ever since I came of age was one of the taken. She has lived a life of suffering while I enjoyed the perks of a royal blood .

" Alpha , luckily the bullet didn't hit any vital organ but unfortunately she lost a lot of blood and I had to put her in an induced coma. Something must be wrong with her as she is not healing like a normal wolf , it's as though her wolf is absent or hiding deep within her subconscious." The doctor said fearfully.

" What do you mean her wolf is absent " I asked fearing the worst.

" I mean it's as though she doesn't have a wolf. She must have gone through something traumatic and this hindered her first shift and in turn she never had her wolf… I fear she may never shift or access her wolf. " The doctor replied taking a step back frightened that I may attack him at any moment.

" How then would she know I was her mate if she doesn't have a wolf…. How would I connect with her " I gripped my hair wanting to ease the throbbing pain I felt.

" Unfortunately Alpha , I do not have a response for that but I suggest the way of the humans . Get to know her and make her love you for who you are , she might not possess her wolf just yet but she would still feel certain emotions for you. Focus on building that emotions until she can't help but love you but for now let's focus on her health and recovery." The doctor concluded and went back to treating other injured wolves.

I have always hated the way of love between humans . I felt it was too long and unnecessary but now I had no choice than to succumb to that system I once ridiculed.

" Alpha we are ready to move " My Beta told me after making sure everything was destroyed.

" Good…. Burn the place to the ground and we move out " I instructed him turning my attention once again to where my mate laid on the makeshift bed. She looked so peaceful sleeping and it broke my heart and made my blood boil a little more when I thought of all she had to and would have endure. Life really wasn't fair .

" I promise you this day , you would only know joy , love and peace from now. I already love you with every fiber of my being and with every beat of my heart , no harm would come to you as I await your love and affection." I promised her as I crouched next to her sleeping figure just caressing her cold skin .

"Alpha it is done " I nodded to him as I felt the heat of the flames caress my body.

I gently carried my little mate and together with the survivors and warriors s , we journeyed back into the death of the night , we journeyed back home

I took one last glance back at the place that had troubled our kind and felt an overwhelming sense of relief.

It was over for now ... Or so I thought.