

R-18. Discovering there is more to her existence, Tara Wellington seeks to take advantage of the opportunities that come knocking. Will she be successful? Disclaimer: Cover art, not mine, downloaded from Pinterest.

ashes_77 · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter five


The moon had taken over the sky.

The voices of the thunder could be heard above the earth and the flashes of lightning followed. Yet outside a cave at the bottom of what seemed to be a mountain, a young man paced about with his hands crossed behind his waist. He was dressed in a red robe and his hands were full of golden rings. He seemed uneasy and wouldn't lift his face. 

At the entrance of the cave were fire lamps hung on both sides. A few others stood around as well, four guards and an older woman wearing a royal frock. Soon, the light in the lamps paled and the older woman took shaky steps forward with her eyes fixed on them.

"It has begun.."  She said in her old cracked voice.

The man paused his steps and now lifted his head. The wailing of a woman was immediately heard from the inside. It sounded like a blend of pain and rage. He turned to move toward the cave but was stopped by the older woman.

"The gods are with her."  She said, 

On the inside, the wailing continued even louder and a woman could be seen in the centre of what seemed to be an open space. Her hands were spread apart, clipped by heavy long chains that extended up to the roof while her legs opened wide enough as she maintained a squat position. Only two lamps were trying their best to illuminate the cave and she had already begun sweating profusely.  Beneath her was a wide basket filled with wool and her passageway was lowered enough. 

Mumbling some strange words was an old man tall enough for his black cloak. His eyes were shut with his right palm lifted in her direction. 

Precisely above her head was an opening through which she could see the dark clouds finally reveal the wholeness of the moon. Her eyes turned pale grey and her fangs let loose from her mouth but she couldn't transform further than that. She struggled, provoking the chains to shake. She couldn't resist the urge to push and so she went on with it. 

There was silence.

The man on the outside now stood facing the entrance to the cave with much anticipation. The older man emerged from the cave signalling him to come in. He was nervous. He went in and found the woman attending to the basket. She turned to look at him and then exchanged a smile. Slowly, he walked toward her, planting kisses on her forehead once he was low enough.

The older man stood afar off, watching them quietly. 

"The gods have blessed you with two daughters,"  He finally spoke. "But only one can replace the son you have lost."  He added.

His words worried the couple.

"What do you mean, Sorcerer?"  The man asked, springing up on his feet. He looked displeased.

The Sorcerer moved slowly towards the babies laying in the basket. He bent down gradually.

"This one, "  He said, "has light in her soul "  he added, touching the forehead of the baby on the left. "And this one has the soul of a raging dragon. Her existence will bring destruction to your kingdom." He said, touching the chest of the other. 

"But how can you tell? They are identical."  The man said in a hostile tone.

The sorcerer slowly moved his head towards him.

"The gods cannot be fooled." He said to him.


"We must do something, Peter."  The woman said. They were now alone in the cave.

"If only one was meant for us, why did we get two?".  He said, 

" We can never know or understand the ways of the gods but now we have been warned. We mustn't disobey."  She told him.

"You just had them yet you feel nothing?"  He asked.

"Sacrifices must be made to keep the kingdom together or am I wrong?" She asked him.

"Why not before they were born? Why afterwards?"   He replied to her. 

"Quit questioning the gods and be your father's son! Do something before it's too late." She told him harshly.




She was startled awake. She had slept off on the floor and the diary laid beside her with just a few pages read. She twitched her eyes while she tried her best to sit up, holding onto the right side of her neck.

"F*ck.."  She voiced as she struggled to get up on her feet.  "I'm coming!'  She said while heading for the door unsteadily.

Finally, she was successful. Turning the door open, she met with Mrs Peterson. 

" Jesus..what do you want from me?"

Tara begged, her eyes were half-open.

Mrs Peterson raised a brow at her while maintaining a straight face. 

"I guess it isn't apparent enough that henceforth you are forbidden from using locks around the house considering the last stunt you pulled." She said, 

"Oh, Lord.."  Tara dragged her right palm down her face.

"Get dressed, we have somewhere to be."  Mrs Peterson ordered.

"Now?".  Tara asked.

Mrs Peterson said no further words. Only turned around exiting her presence.  She walked down the long passageway till she was back in her room. 

" What?"  She asked Mr Peterson who sat at the bottom of the bed with a rather dull countenance. She shut the door behind her maintaining a serious look.

"It's today."  He responded.

"Oh come off it already. What is done is done, it's been so many years now. What is it with you?" She asked him rather upset.

" It still burdens my heart."  He told her.

"You choose to let it."  She said, walking towards the window.

"And you? Not an iota of regret or guilt?"  He asked her.

"It was for the greater good or am I the only one who realises that?"  She responded.

"Peter, we are doing this. Sometimes I wish you were a vampire instead so you could have control over these emotions of yours."  She told him. 

Her words seemed to have cut deep like a sword and now he stood up.

"What did you say?"  He asked her.

"Ah, here we go again."  She said, turning towards him.

"Is that what this has been about? All these years? Do you wish I was him? Your vampire ex?"  He asked her.

"Simon was strong, yes. Brave and Bold–" She said, 

"He was a psychopath. He was obsessed with being worshipped. A terrorist ". He cut in.

" He was what he needed to be to remain a leader. He understood all that came with his assignment. He was ready". She said, 

"And I wasn't?"  He sounded offended.

"Peter, I have been pushing you your whole life. Do you know how exhausting it's been?"  She turned away from him.

"I have been living my life for you. Do you know how hard that has been? Or do you think a man would be a woman's fool just because she is pretty?" He followed behind her. " I have done things I would never imagine I was capable of just to please you,"  he said,  " even– even have a baby killed, our baby,"  he lowered his voice.  " and still you compare me to your ex? If he was so perfect, why choose to be with me instead?"  He asked her.

"Our parents knew our union was necessary and besides a vampire and a werewolf don't mix well." She told him.

"Wow, I was just an option."  He blinked his eyes.

" So now you're going to feel bad because I said the truth?" She asked him.

" What do you want from me?" He responded.

"Your focus," she said, moving closer to him. "Your strength, your thirst for vengeance against the Od'hawks for all they have done to us. They will not stop and you know it. This is the time for u to be more of the beast that you are. Being this weak- human will only get us killed." She told him as she peered into his eyes. He let her finish, he looked disappointed.

"If your parents gave you up to me because our union was necessary and all these years, your heart has had to suffer for it because you still wished to be with him, then if I let you have your way with our daughter, she would only end up growing into a stone-cold bitter Luna like you and guess what? I wouldn't want that." He told her.

 She had never seen him so upset before. Even his tone showed it. He took his eyes off hers and headed for the door. She remained standing with her eyes blinking uncontrollably at his words, almost like she couldn't believe he had just said that to her.



Tara heard on her door.

"I'm almost done."  She said, 

She had tidied up the room and put everything in its place so quickly. She was wearing a white dress now and her hands held her hair up while she tried to hold it together with a band locked between her teeth. 

"You will not ruin this." 

She heard Mrs Peterson say from outside the door.

"She is my daughter. I have a say in what goes."  Mr Peters had retorted.

Tara became confused. Having successfully held her hair together, she moved slowly towards the door. Before she could have her hand placed on the knob, it was forced open from the outside. She startled. 

The Petersons had rushed in and they weren't looking like they were on great terms with the moment. Mrs Peterson hurriedly opened her left palm,  bringing it up to Tara's face– Tara who stood looking at the two in great difficulty could only but watch. 

Mr Peterson's eyes grew red, and his fangs dropped down from his mouth immediately as his claws came piercing out of his fingers. He gave a hard push on his wife's chest with both his hands causing her to sweep backwards. Ash-like substance fell from her palm as she did and while her back hit the wall, even her face transformed. 

Tara passed out.