

Follow the journey of a youth who strived to live after his father abandoned him and his mother to die after loosing them as a debt of gamble

YAGI1574 · Action
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9 Chs

Chapter Four: The Call

It is said that a human being's life should sometimes have rough times in the midst of the good times in order to make things balance on earth but I think that maybe karma doesn't give that much good times to Yang Yuchen.

The gambling house woke up as usual with things working the normal they always do, Meng Yao went to her usual cashier counter and Yuchen who was a college student at the low key university left for school that morning while the other members in the house went for their usual business.

Wang Fu chose a school closest to the house because Yuchen needed to come back for his daily training and help out around the house been that they needed as many hands as possible around the den.

This particular morning Yuchen felt like someone was monitoring his movements and he was certain of it this time around and that was because he had felt like that for few days but brushed it off as nothing. He attended his classes as normal and when the last period he had was over he went straight to Wang Fu's office to report his suspicion.

After his mother sealed the deal with Wang Fu that night the family duo and Wang Fu now has a mutual understanding which made them live in peace since he was not that bad of a person to them, they had no grudge against him. Yuchen reached Wang Fu's office but he was not there so he asked around and he was told that he was at the training hall looking for him so he left at once.

I was told that you are back from school so why were you not here yet, Wang Fu who saw Yuchen walking into the training hall asked.

"I have something to tell you", Yuchen who stood in front of Wang Fu with a worried face complained. I think am being followed or should I say am being monitored. It's been days I have this feeling but I just confirmed it today because it was like the person wanted me to know he was following me this time around, I can't help this feeling but I think something might go wrong. Don't worry I will have someone check it out tomorrow when you leave, just get on with your training.

Wang Fu left the hall with a worried face while dialing a number on his phone. At the third ring an old voice came from the phone. "The boy grew up well, what of his mother? is she still cheerful and beautiful as usual." If Wang Fu was not angry before he definitely was at this moment.

"Why are you following him around"?, you said I could do anything I want with them so why are you appearing in their lives this time?. Wang Fu who was now at his office swept off everything he had on his table with his hand, he was full of range at the moment with the scar on his face adding to his dangerous aura at the moment.

I said you can do anything with them as long as you dispose of them, I never said you could keep them. I paid you to do a work for me but you didn't do it the way I want instead you followed your mind, the voice said in a lazy tone with a menacing laugh. Don't worry Wang Fu, I won't come after you. I will make things easy for you, you just have to do as I say as you always do. How about that?.

"What do you mean you have an easier way for me?". Wang Fu asked with a confused and worried face.

Just send them over to me, the voice on the phone said. Send the mother and son over to me after all they were meant for me in the first place so it's a fair trade since I paid you well unless you have gotten attached to the mother and son because that would be the only reason why you kept them safe and I heard they are in a pretty good condition. You should know by now that I've got eyes and ears everywhere.

I won't hand them over to you but I can pay you back the money you sent for the job, Wang Fu said.

I don't want the money back, all I want now is the mother and son or better still just the mother, I can leave the boy for you since he is smart and I heard you like smart people. Meng Yao is a beautiful woman but I couldn't get her then that's why I wanted her to be disposed off but now she seems pretty more mature and understands the her situation better this time around so I think she will succumb easily to me this time.

'You must be fucking kidding me, what do you mean by that?. "You want Meng Yao back?".

Who gave up on her and told me to sell her off or kill her, was that not you back then?. So why are asking for her. Mr Gong the deal we made has expired three years ago and anything you are doing now is out of questions so I advice you to stop following Yuchen around and let the boy you destroyed his family live the way the have been managing and stop disturbing their lives. Wang Fu was seeing red at the moment, it took him three years, yes three years he had been waiting to gather the courage to tell Meng Yao his feelings. He knew it was wrong but he can't help it, there were other beautiful women working for him but three was something special about Meng Yao that he can't find anywhere and now more predators were gathering around his prey, he was ready to tell her about his feelings and nobody can stop him and he meant it this time.

Stepping out of his office Wang Fu went straight to where Meng Yao works but she was not there. "Where is she?", he asked the available cahier who was present at the moment. She heard that her son was done with his training for the day so she went to see him, she was told that he had a tale today so she went to see if he was alright.