
Chapter 4: Macon Forrester

Macon Forrester

“WHAT DID YOU DO?” I roared at Imogen Setter.

Imogen locked her midnight blue eyes with mine. I’d known her for ages, but all of that easy familiarity I’d built with her was gone in that moment.

“I’m protecting my daughter from whatever horrors you are about to bring to her. You know as well as I do, the last time this happened it was because werewolves and witches were fighting in my coven with yours.”

I growled, clenching my fists. My claws were threatening to come out and my wolf wanted to shift to get to her. But I didn’t think my mate would take to kindly to me killing her mother.

“Imogen, if the Goddess wants me to be with her, you know you can’t interfere. She’s putting us with each other so we both can be protected from whatever is coming!”

“She was supposed to be with Damien Craven!” Imogen insisted. “They grew up together. She loves him. He loves her. She wasn’t supposed to be with you.”

“I would never take you for someone against relations between witches and werewolves, given that you know the history of our pack and your coven.”

Imogen glared at me. “You know very well that I’m not. ”

I reached out and grabbed her arm. “I need her. You know what happens if mates aren’t together. More than anyone. You become weak. And I know your powers have been waning because of your husband's disappearance. Did you ever stop to think that’s why the Goddess put us together? To help find your family?”

She took a deep breath. “She’s my daughter. I just want…”

“I know,” I said. “I know. And that’s why we’ve worked together for centuries. I will protect her just as I’ve protected all of the other Setters before her.”

Imogen’s eyes were filled with worry. “You won’t make her do anything she doesn’t want to?”

“I’m a werewolf. Not a monster. I won’t make Serena do anything that she isn’t ready to, but I do need her near me. For the safety of my pack, and your coven. Where did you send her?”

She sighed. “Craven Manor.”

I nodded. “I should have expected that. I’m going to go get her. And I expect that you will comply with her coming with me.”

The High Priestess nodded. “Fine.”

I turned and looked at my wolves. The whole pack wasn’t there, but I’d brought a few. My best friend, Theo, and his brother Aldric. Theo was tall, with blond hair in a buzz cut, and green eyes. And Aldric had long, red hair down to his shoulders and blue eyes. I’d met them both in Scotland in the 1700s.

“So,” said Theo with a glint in his eyes. “Where’s the wife? Should I register at Bed, Bath and Beyond for your wedding gift?”

I glared at him. “Don’t joke.”

He smirked. “Sorry, only trying to lighten the mood.”

His older brother glared at him. “Theo, this isn’t time for nonsense. If the Goddess is pairing wolves and witches, we’re all in trouble. Something’s coming. Remember the last time.”

Theo paled. “I remember.”

“Where’s the girl?” Aldric said.

“Craven mansion.”

Aldric snorted. “Of course, she is. Everyone was so sure they were soulmates.”

“I’m going to go get her,” I said. “Aldric, I need you to come with me. Theo, I want you to go back home, and let the pack know what’s happened. Tell them that if anyone tries a d*mn thing with the girl, I’ll rip them to shreds or worse… banish them. Got that?”

Theo nodded. “Yes, sir.” He mock saluted and then ran off through the woods, shifting into wolf form as he did.

“Think she’ll come easily?” Aldric asked.

I winced. “I don’t know what to think. You remember how Imogen was, when she found out about her mate.”

Aldric chuckled. “She set him on fire. To be fair, Serena’s dad always was a bit arrogant. All worked out in the end, except for him disappearing… think that has anything to do with this?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “But Serena’s the future of the Setter coven, which means she’s the future of our pack, regardless. We keep her safe. If our alliance between the pack and the coven breaks, Moon Shadow could be at great risk. And we can’t have that. Not when we’re supposed to protect everyone.”

My old friend nodded. “Onwards, then.”

He shifted into his wolf form, me into mine, and we headed through the forest towards Craven manor in search of my mate. I had never trusted the Craven family. They didn’t follow the rules of magic like everyone else. I certainly didn’t trust Damien Craven to go anywhere near my soulmate. And if he hurt her…goddess only knew what I would do.

Everyone had thought that the two were supposed to be together. Because he was from one of the richest families in Moon Shadow. And she was from one of the most powerful. My pack did security for Moon Shadow. We knew everything that went on in the town. Including some of the shadier ways that the Cravens used their magic. Like how Mr. and Mrs. Craven were mates, but never seemed to live together despite mate rules. Which made it so that if you were away from your mate for a long time, you could be weak.

I didn’t want to think of what Damien would try to do if I left her alone with him for too long. I didn’t want to scare Serena away, but I wasn’t going to let her be taken from me either. I didn’t care what history they had. I hadn’t sought out a mate but now that I had one, I was never going to let her go.

I would do what was necessary to make her mine. Once she came with me, got to know me, I would put that boy out of her head forever. I would be the only one for her.