
chapter 2 - she smells like strawberries

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter it's mainly just a little peak into Damian's life.

Damian's pov

Paper work, paper work and more paper work.

I groan as I look at the stack of pack related paper work, full of pack alliance requests and other pack needs.

I absolutely hate doing paper work, but as Alpha it is my job to keep this pack running well.

I am the Alpha of Mystic moon pack, one of the largest packs in the United States. That comes with issues, as other packs are always requesting alliances wanting to be on affiliated with our pack, so others won't want to wage war on them. If you mess with the mystic moon pack your as good as dead.

I massage my temples and take a sip of the glass of cold water that is placed on the left of my large mahogany desk.

Just as I'm about to dig further into the stack of paper work, my office door swings open revealing my beta and delta, with annoying ass grins on their faces.

"What do you shits want" I half growl half groan at their presence.

"That's no way to talk to your best friend" My beta, Jasper says with an exaggerated pout on his lips.

"Just tell me what you want" I command looking at both of them.

"Well, we are hungry and wanted to check out this place called sally's diner, apparently they have really good food" My delta, Lachlan tells me in his deep gruff voice.

"Yeah, maybe there will be some new chicks, if you know what I mean" he smirks whilst wiggling his eyebrows.

"You should settle down, like I have, I have the sexiest mate twenty-four seven, 12 months a year" he smirks with love clear in his eyes.

"Nope, don't want to hear about how sexy you think my sister is" I say emphasizing sister.

"Settling, I don't think so, I don't need a mate" Jasper argues.

"You say that now, but when you find her that will all change" Lachlan chuckles looking at jasper and then me.

"Okay enough mate talk" I say in gruff tone, feeling sadness and loneliness seep into my body.

They look at me with sad eyes, then smile telling me to hurry up. I'm grateful for the change of subject, as talking about mates makes me realize I don't have one.

I have been looking for my mate since I was eighteen, no luck so far, I just hope I find her soon.

"We will find her; I can feel it" My wolf Ace states with determination.

"I hope so Ace" I grumble back.

"We will" He states before crawling back into my subconscious.

I stand from my black desk chair and set my paper work aside.

"It'll be there when I get back" I think.

I take the stairs down to the main floor, were other pack members mingle during the day.

I smile and greet people as I walk to the front door and exit, seeing my beta and delta leaning on my black truck, jasper holding the keys on the tip of his index finger.

I walk over to jasper and snatch the keys off his index finger and opening the driver's side door, plonking myself inside and shutting the door behind me.

I see jasper and Lachlan fighting over the front passenger seat, with Lachlan having jasper in a headlock.

"Such children" I mentally growl.

Lachlan pushes jasper away and quickly climbing in and slamming the door behind him.

Jasper sulkily climbs into the back seat and sticks his tongue out at Lachlan. Lachlan just smirks and turns to change the radio station.

Time skip ~~~~~~~~~~

Lachlan and Jasper directed me to the diner they speak so highly of, but I couldn't lie I was starving too.

We all climbed out of the car and began to walk to the front entrance of the diner, Sally's diner was in big lettering above the door.

Even before, I entered the building my wolf began to feel on edge, racing around in my mind.

"Ace, what's wrong" I quizzed.

He didn't reply and continued to get excited, making me even more unnerved at what was happening.

My question was answered as soon as I step foot into the diner. I was consumed by this intoxicating smell of bitter coffee and strawberries, which I usually wouldn't like, but I couldn't get enough. My wolf screamed Mate repeatedly in my head, yipping and scratching, trying to get free.

I finally found her I thought, I internally grinned at that thought.

I followed the mind consuming scent and was greeted with an absolutely gorgeous woman, in waitress uniform.

She had slightly tanned skin with beautiful curves in all the right places and mesmerizing blue eyes. She had full breasts pushed up against her waitress apron and long brunette locks reaching just above her plump ass.

I lick my lips as I stare at my beautiful mate, wow can you fall in love this fast I think, already knowing that the answer is yes.

I snap out of my thoughts, as jasper shakes my shoulders whilst saying "Dude you there".

"Yeah" I rasp back, still staring at her angelic face.

Jasper follows my eyes to where I have been staring for the last five minutes.  He turns back to me and smirks whilst whispering "Oooo she is fine"

"Mine" I growl sending him aggravated glare.

"Okay big guy all yours" He states with wide eyes and hands held in surrender.

"Is she your mate" Lachlan calmly questions.

"Yes" I gruffly answer.

"Good on you mate" Jasper congratulates with a grin.

I release a small smile and look towards my mate, watching as she walks towards a rowdy group of teenagers, both males and females.

I pay close attention to her and tune in my hearing to hear their conversation.

The girls seated at the table huddle together whilst one whispers snarkily "Look at her".

The other girl as equally bitchy replies "Yeah I know, so fat".

I feel anger course through my body at their words, hating how they disrespected my mate.

I stand up slowly walking towards them, whilst continuing to listen to their conversation.

I hear my mates sweet voice ask what they would like to order. Her voice gives me chills, it sounds so innocent and kind.

She would be a perfect Luna.

Two of the boys look at her blankly, but disgust is clear within their eyes. One of the boys, scowls at my beautiful mate, which makes my anger rise higher. I can feel my eyes switching from dark brown to icy blue, my wolf begging to be free.

I barely push Ace back down, as I hear the boy say "Why do we have to have a fat lady serving us, like can't they hire people better looking, anyway –"But I interrupt him growling under my breath.

"That's no way to speak to a beautiful lady" I state with anger seeping into my voice.

The boys scowl disappears and is replaced with fear as he looks at me, which makes me smirk at the effect I have on people.

I look to my mate and see her blushing pink, whilst looking up at me with slight shock and desire swirling in her beautiful brown orbs.

"We're going" The taller boy states, as all him and his friends scramble out the diner. The ring of the bell signaling their exit.

"My name is Damian, what's yours beautiful" I question, desperately wanting to know my mates name.

"Amelia" She replies with a shy smile.

'Amelia' I repeat inside my head, loving the name of my mate.

I can't wait to find more about this beautiful woman.

A/n I'm loving how this is going so far, his possessive side is so cute ❤️🥰