
chapter 1 - witchy bitchies

Hey lovelies this is my first chapter of The Alpha's Waitress. I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments.

Warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️

This chapter involves fat shaming and bullying, if you can't handle that this isn't the book for you.

But to let you know slowly as the book progresses there will be smaller amounts of bullying and fat shaming

Amelia's pov

"Beep Beep Beep" the sound of my annoying loud ass alarm abruptly wakes me from my peaceful sleep.

I groan as I reach my hand over to my side table on the left side of my queen sized bed. I randomly hit different spots on my side table trying to locate my alarm clock, when I finally find it I slap it aggressively and the loud repetitive beeping ceases.

I sigh in relief and rub my eyes with the back of hand whilst yawning. I roll over slightly and snuggle deeper into my fluffy purple blanket, wanting to get just a little bit more shut eye.

"Five more minutes, yeah just five" I mumble into the blanket whilst snuggling into my fluffy white body pillow.

That happiness is short lived as my mother shouts in a high pitch whiney voice, that makes me want to die.

"Wake up Amelia and make me coffee, I have a nail appointment with your sister in an hour".

The bitch has spoken I think whilst chuckling to myself.

"Hurry up" she whines once again.

I sigh heavily and pull the blanket off of my body. I lift my body up and walk towards my vanity which holds the majority of my clothes.

I pull open my pantie draw and grab a random pair, not giving a shit if they are granny panties or a lacy thong. It's not like anyone going to see me I think.

I chuckle whilst mumbling "Yeah right, someone would have to like me for that to happen".

I take my uniform off of the top of the vanity, which I left there the night before.

You may be wondering "why are you wearing uniform", well I work at the local diner run by a lady called sally. She is like my second mother, well first if you exclude the witch I have for a mother.

I walk out of my room with my clothes in my hand and go to open the bathroom door, but it's locked. I lightly knock on the door thinking it's probably my sister applying makeup or some shit. Oh she may be pretty on the outside with her flawless skin and silky brunette hair, but on the inside she is ugliest thing you could ever see. Like a toad, yeah a slimy green toad hidden by mountains of beauty products.

I laugh loudly at that thought and just as I do, the bathroom door snaps open revealing the bitch I call my sister, Courtney.

"What you laughing at fat ass, if you keep making an ugly face like that you might stay like that, oh wait your already ugly" she snorts, not so prettily might I add, at her verrrry funny joke.

"Oh honey look in the mirror and all you'll see is a desperate whore, with a face caked with makeup" I say in a sugary sweet voice.

Courtney's face turns bright red as she glares at me. If she was a cartoon character steam would be coming out of her ears.

She angrily stomps down the hallway to the kitchen, most likely going to dob on me to mum like the dramatic princess she is.

"One, two, three and – "I mumble not even finishing my sentence as I hear my sister screech like a cockatoo.

"Mum, Amelia called me a desperate whore caked in makeup, like how the hell does that fat bitch have the right to say that to me".

"Calm down, you are so much beautiful then her aren't you Cece" my mother, who treats me like a trash bag, says in a high pitch voice. Her voice makes me want to drill a hole into my head.

I scoff at her statement, wondering how someone that is supposed to love you can think of you so poorly.

"Amelia, don't speak to your sister like that, you should be more respectful like your sister" she shouts through the hallway.

"Yeah right, if a skanky bitch is what you want me to be, I think not" I mumble to myself not replying to my mother and entering the empty bathroom.

I place my clothes on the bathroom counter and began to strip off my clothes from the night before.

Once I am as naked as the day I was born, I stare into the mirror. I grip my stomach fat tightly before letting go and move my fingers to trail over my light pink stretch marks that cover my lower stomach and thighs.

I blankly look into the mirror letting my insecurities take over.

"maybe you should lose some weight"

"You shouldn't be eating that, try a salad, you sure do need it"


"fat ass"

I shake my head trying to block the negative thoughts from my mind.

I walk towards the clear shower door and step in slightly to turn on the shower. I adjust the water temperature to my liking and step in letting the hot water cascade through my hair and down my back. The warm water gives me peace and comfort from the outside world, filled with small minded people.

I wish I wasn't as insecure as I am and could love myself unconditionally, but I can't. The rude comments from others are heard so often, that they are ingrained in my mind, reminding me I'm not good enough.

Some days will be better than others and I'll feel confident in my body, but as soon as step out into the outside world, I'm surrounded by people who find joy in my mental suffering. That confidence withers away until, all that is left is an insecure girl who hides behind her sassy, carefree mask.

I want someone to look at me like I'm the most beautiful girl in the world, like my father once did to my mother. I hope eventually I can find the strength to love myself whole heartedly.

My mother wasn't as snobby and bitchy as she is now, or maybe she was and I looked past it, but the point is no matter how unreasonable she got my father always loved her.

I want that.

I let my thoughts float away, leaving me in complete bliss as I scrub my body with my favourite vanilla body wash. I love the scent of vanilla; it makes me feel calm.

I squeeze a small amount of shampoo onto my hand and massaging into my scalp.

I rinse the shampoo out of my brown thick locks and repeat the process with conditioner.

Once I'm all finished, I step out of the shower and shiver, missing the warmth the shower provided. I wrap a fluffy white towel around my body and dry myself quickly, knowing I'm already running late from all the thinking in the shower.

I pull my panties up my thighs, settling them on my hips and grab my black lacy bra, clipping it behind my back and pulling up the straps.

I quickly dress in my uniform, which is a classic waitress dress made with the theme colours of sally's diner. I reach over and grab my lip balm, swiping it on my lips and smacking my lips together after. I apply a thin layer of mascara on my already thick black lashes and exit the bathroom, after hanging my towel.

I walk back into my room and sit on bed, leaning down and putting my fairly old black vans on. I quickly tie up the laces and snatch my cross body bag, putting my phone and keys inside. The bag was a gift from my father for my fifteenth birthday and I have kept it with me ever since.

I rush out of my room and out the front door, just hearing my mother screech "where are you going".

I know I'll pay for it later, but I don't have the time to be my mother and sister's personal slave. I want to live freely, without people's comments being held over my head.

I quickly sit in my beat up car, that I could barely afford and click my seatbelt on. I put the keys into the ignition and as soon as the car starts up, I speed off to work.

As I'm driving, I think about how I've been hiding away bits of my pay check that my mother and sister steal majority of. I've been saving for a little over a year, meaning I have just enough money to get away from them and rent a small one-bedroom apartment.

I smile at that thought, finally I'll be free.

I'm snapped back into reality when I enter the staff car parking area behind sally's diner. I park my car and pull the keys out of the ignition, placing them in my bag.

Locking the car, I rush out of the car and enter the diner through the back door. I walk to the staff room and place my bag in the locker with my name on it.

Just as I'm about to walk in the best part of my day walks in, grinning and hugging me tightly.

My best friend and co-worker Jasmine.

Jasmine breaks away and looks at me, whilst saying "how's your day been so far hun, any trouble from that the two evil witchy bitchies"

I giggle at the last part of her statement and reply "the usual, ya know how they are"

"Ugghhh, I hate how they treat you why don't you come live with me" she whines with a pout on her thin red lips.

I laugh at the look on her face and smile sadly.

"You know I can't do that, I don't want to be a burden on you and besides I want my own home and if that means I have to stay there for a tad bit longer I will" I state.

"I know that's what you want hun, but I'm just saying the option is always there" she smiles kindly

"I know, if I change my mind I'll let you know" I reply smiling back at her.

"Okay enough mushy gushy talk, let's get to work sister" she chirps pulling me out the staff room.

I giggle at her antics and let her pull me to the front counter.

She lets go of her strong grip on me and walks to the register to greet the small line of customers that is slowly building.

I quickly collect my note pad and pen, looking to see if there are any customers waiting to order. I groan as I spot a group of rowdy teenagers seated in the far corner booth. There are two girls and three boys, that look to be about 17 or 18.

I walk towards them dreading the interaction, as I know they will probably throw insults directly to my face. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, but it is highly unlikely they won't say something rude.

I stand just in front of their table as I say sweetly "Hi, what would you like to order".

The girls look me up and down with disgusted looks on their faces whilst whispering to each other. The other two boys look up at me blankly, but in your eyes you can see the disgust. The last boy holds an air of arrogance surrounding him, which is immediately proven correct as he speaks.

He looks at me with a scowl as he groans "why do we have to have a fat lady serving us, like can't they hire people better looking, anyway – "before he can finish and before I can throw sass at him for being a cow, a husky and very sexy man's voice interrupts.

"that is no way to speak to a beautiful lady".







A/N sorry for the cliff hanger lovelies but it had to happen *cue evil laugh*

I will upload the next chappie in Damian's pov.

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