
The Alpha's Toy

Enter a world where slavery is not only legal but slave traders are well advertised business men. Werewolves vampires and other supernatural creatures roam freely and unhidden in this world. Please stay a while and enjoy the thrilling tale of Jade Summers and how she became the ruthless Alpha female to be feared. But be warned, this is not your usual fairy tale with prince charming and brave knights. But rather a tale of tragedy, hardship and danger. Friends become enemies and enemies become trusted allies. In this story Villains draw the line and the boundaries of morality are tested. For you see there are no heroes in this dark and hopeless place where nothing is what it seems.

Emily_Knudsen · Fantasy
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6 Chs


I woke, bruised and stiff. I slipped out of the bed before he could realize I was gone and made my way to the bathroom to take care of my aching body. I never thought that I would lose my virginity in that way. I wanted to scream and cry and pull out my hair but what would be the point. Fighting him would only result in more punishment and I didn't want that. I sobbed quietly as I placed a warm rag on my abused asshole.

I wasn't sure how long I was bent over the sink counter before I heard the door slam against the wall as it burst open. I could tell he was pissed. "I didn't give you permission to leave the bed!" He snarled viciously. "Every morning you take care of me before you go anywhere. That is one of your chores. Suck me off or fuck me. I don't care which." He was slowly moving towards me and I was terrified. He had a wicked glint in his eyes that said I was about to be used for his sadistic pleasure once again.

"I'm sorry master. I will remember that in the future." I whimpered as I wiped the tears from my cheeks and straightened. He pushed me back down to the counter roughly and held me there as he positioned himself and thrust his hard member into my pussy. At least it wasn't my ass.

His thrusts were hard and I cried out in pain as he groaned and grunted. I felt him force his massive cock deeper than he had yesterday and suddenly felt something give inside my womb. He was hitting a soft spot and it hurt, but he seemed to enjoy my cries of pain.

The pain was starting to become pleasure and he knew it. "Do you like it when I force my cock into your womb?" He asked with a sadistic sort of glee. He jerked me off the counter and began to pinch my nipples hard as he twisted them. "When we are done here you will take one of these and then I will show you something." He held up a packet of pills labeled birth control. He finally shot his load inside my baby factory and pulled out as I crumpled to the floor.

I caught my breath and snatched the pills from the counter where he had placed them. After swallowing one of the pills I showed him that I had done as instructed. "Good girl. We don't need you to get pregnant right now. I won't be able to play with you if you did. Now come with me." He turned and started for a door that I hadn't noticed before. I stood up and did as he told me. We went through a closet and another door, this one made of heavy brass, into a room that was red and black. "This will be your bedroom. On nights that I am away or simply don't want your company you will sleep here." He indicated the large king sized bed. "But I have today off so we will break it in." He smirked and I knew I would not enjoy today's planned activity.

I was right. I didn't enjoy what came next. I laid down on the bed and he was on top of me in seconds, forcing my legs open and strapping them to a bar that he spread so wide it was painful. He then pushed the bar so he could attach a collar on a short leash to my neck. When I tried undo one of the cuffs on my ankles he slapped my pussy hard. After that my wrists were chained to the head board and I was helpless to his sexual desires.

I wasn't sure how long I had been chained to the bed while this sadistic man pumped load after load of cum onto and into my body. I couldn't tell you how many toys he used, much less what they were called. He came and went as he pleased and did everything that he wanted. I slept many times from pure exhaustion. And he hand delivered my pills to me. I didn't bother to count them. Maybe I should have. It would've told me how many days I was trapped like that. Every so often he would change my position and message my sore muscles so they didn't get stiff. I felt him repositioning my body again and my eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning my little toy." Master smiled at me. "You've been such a good girl these past two weeks." I opened my mouth as he put the birth control in and swallowed the little pill. "Today you get a break from pleasuring me. You will be in my room cleaning." He unfastened the spreader bar and put a thick leather collar around my neck.

"Thank you master." I croaked and crawled to the bowl where he had placed my breakfast. It was scrambled eggs with hash browns and a single slice of bacon. The bacon was a rare treat and I savored it as much as possible.

"When you are done cleaning the room and bathroom you will clean in here. After which you will bathe and wait for me here." He pointed to a chair with penis shaped protrusion stick straight up. "This goes in your ass." With that he took the bowl and left me to the tasks he had set. Periodically he would rush in smile get what he came for and be gone. I just kept working. Once the chores were done I showered and scrubbed the stall a second time before returning to my cell to sit just as master had told me to.

That was how he found me when he came in with my bowl. It was lunch time. He held his hand up as he put the food on the floor. Pulling out his swollen member I watched as he jerked himself off and shot the load on to my waiting lunch. "Be a good girl and eat all of it." He smirked as he sat down on the bed to watch. I did as I was told. It was corned beef hash with cheese and his semen on top of it all.

I hated him so much and couldn't help but glare at him. He raised an eyebrow when he saw the threat in my eyes. "You have my permission to speak freely."

"I'm going to kill you." I said without any emotion in my voice.

"And how are you going to accomplish that?" The amused smirk on his face told me he didn't believe me.

"I don't know yet. But I'm going to make you suffer. Maybe for days before you die." He laughed loudly, then a dark look crossed his face.

"You and every other slave I've ever owned. Guess what? I'm still here and they are all dead and buried." He stood up and, kicking her now empty food bowl, grabbed her roughly by the chin. "You will be no different you little bitch!" He snarled.

"I am different then those other girls!" I hissed between clenched teeth.

"You'll get the chance and chicken out just like the last one." He sneered.

"She didn't have the heart to go through with it but I do." He let go of me and slapped me hard across the face.

"You are different from them. You are my mate. So I will keep you. Zenis marked you so if you die so will I. At least for the first year or so." He straightened his shirt and fixed his pants. "Your pleasure training is done. From now on you will be trained on domestic task that you will accomplish each day."