
The Alpha's Slave

“I’m going to tell you what I have in mind,” he murmured. “First you’re going to strip down until you’re completely naked,” he whispered against her ear. “Then I’m going to tie you up so you’re completely powerless and subject to my every whim.” “Mmm, sounds good so far,” she murmured. “Then I’m going to insert a plug to prepare you for me. After that I’m going to spank that sweet ass of yours until it’s rosy with my marks.” She shivered uncontrollably, her mind exploding with the images he evoked. She let out a small whimper as he sucked the lobe of her ear into his mouth. God, she could cum with just his words. She was already aching with need. Her nipples tingled and hardened to painful points. Her clit pulsed and twitched between her legs until she clamped her thighs together to alleviate the burn. “And then I’m going to f**k your mouth. But I won’t cum. Not yet. When I’m close, I’ll flog you again until your ass is burning and you’re on fire with the need for relief. And then I’m going to f**k that ass. I’m going to take you hard and rough, to the very limits of what you can withstand. I won’t be gentle. Not tonight. I’m going to take you as roughly as you can stand. And then I’m going to cum all over your ass. Are you ready to be completely and utterly dominated?"

Superboy18 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
110 Chs


When we walked in through the lobby doors, pack members weren't really around it, which meant that Cliff and Joel, and possibly Stark had finished all the sign in

crap, and everyone was happily in their rooms with their familes. Rebekah stopped for a second, halting me as well. "Wait, it just occurred to me that you don't ave a

rooming buddie, does that mean that you and Kol are sharing?" she asked in a hushed voice, very well knowing werewolve hearing was intense, and anyone could

ease drop that we didn't want too. I shrugged, answering her question as honestly as I could. "I was going to ask him, but I never got the chance. Now I'm just sort of

afraid too considering the whole... out to get me thing." I told her, equally as hushed, and she nodded before we started walking again. First thing we did, even