
The Alpha's Sex Pawn

Two Alphas in one pack? Just when I thought things were going my way, the healing ritual happened, making me a "Carrier Of The Alpha's powers". It opened another chapter in my life. A chapter that was far worst than the previous one. In the realm of moonlit desires, Ethan, the Wrathful Alpha, finds himself consumed by an obsession with my very essence. I have become his sole purpose, the embodiment of his most primal pleasure. As time passes, a peculiar thing occurs. I find myself secretly craving for those nights of pleasure. A silent yearning grows within me, waiting for him to call upon me. The sensation of him being inside me is undeniably pleasurable, but not enough for me to develop feelings beyond physicality. As time marches on, much like the vanishing nights, fates were reshaped, and obsession transformed into true love. A sex pawn became the Alpha's mate as the Amaxon war between Midgard and Grendor commerce. Brace yourself for a sizzling saga that will leave you spellbound.

Sikeperez1 · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Carriers Of The Alpha's Powers

I spent the night at Ethan's bed side. As the morning light seeped into the room, I slowly opened my eyes, still dizzy from the ritual. My body ached from lying on the hard floor all night, but my concern for Ethan outweighed any discomfort I felt. However, to my surprise, Ethan was nowhere to be found on his bed. I wondered if he had fully recovered from his injuries and had gone to his training site as he did every morning.

Feeling a mix of relief and confusion, I got up from the floor and stretched my weary limbs. The events of the previous night were still fresh in my mind but part of it seemed to be missing. I couldn't shake off the cliffhanger surrounding the physician's words. The revelation that Ethan and I shared the Alpha's powers was beyond my comprehension.

Pushing these thoughts aside, I made my way to the bathroom, hoping the cold water would help clear my mind. As I stared into the mirror, I noticed something different about my eyes. They seemed to hold a certain intensity that hadn't been there before. My heart raced with unease as I tried to make sense of the changes happening within me.

After freshening up, I decided to find Ethan and seek answers to the multitude of questions wandering around in my head. As I stepped out from the room, the compound came alive with the hustle and bustle of the pack members going about their daily activities. Their curious glances and silent whispers only added to my sense of solitude.

Few minutes after I exited Ethan's champers, Ronald approached me and informed me that Ethan wanted to see me at his training site.

If it was two days ago, I might have been filled with anger or reluctance to meet him, but for some reason, I felt delighted and eager to see him.

With Ronald leading the way, I followed him toward the training site. Along the way, Ronald asked how I was feeling after what I had gone through the previous night.

"I don't know, but I will be fine." I replied.

Upon reaching the training site, my eyes lit up as I admired the water spring gushing forth from the nearby mountain top. Excitement and anticipation swelled within me as I scanned the surroundings, eager to catch a sight of Ethan. However, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Leave us!" A deep voice echoed, having no form of emotion. I couldn't catch sight of the direction from which the voice came from. Ronald, however bowed his head, recognizing and obeying the voice of his Alpha.

Once Ronald had left my side, I stood there, still unable to locate anyone. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the hot water spring. His chest was broad and chiseled.

The man's hair was wet from the spring, clinging to his skin, and his pale golden eyes locked onto mine. I felt a jolt of recognition as I gazed at Ethan's transformed appearance.

"Lord Ethan," I called out to him, bowing my head, but there was no response from him. I had expected Ethan to show some appreciation and gratitude for the sacrifice I made, putting my life on the line for his. I lifted my gaze slightly to see what he was doing.

I saw a naked man, trying to cover himself. After Ethan covered his nakedness, he turned his gaze toward me. His look was unlike anything I had seen from him before – a mix of anger and fury. I couldn't understand what could be troubling him. Was he angry with me for risking my life?

Ethan's eyes blazed with fury, and I found myself utterly puzzled by his reaction. Before I could speak, he broke the silence with a cutting remark, "I'm sure you've gotten what you wanted after all, but too bad you won't live to see the benefits."

His words sent a chill down my spine, and I struggled to comprehend his meaning. What did he think I had wanted and have gotten? And what did he meant by saying I wouldn't live to see the benefits? My mind raced with confusion as I tried to find an explanation.

Feeling apprehensive, I fixed my gaze on the floor, not daring to provoke his anger any further. It seemed like Ethan had returned to his old self, the Alpha whose temper was notorious.

"Tell me, who are you? How did you manage to fool us all these years?" Ethan inquired, his tone laced with anger and suspicion. I couldn't make sense of his questions.

"My Lord, I am Emily, just an ordinary slave member of your pack," I replied quickly, trying to beat off any misunderstandings.

"The physicians said something different," Ethan retorted, his anger escalating.

Gradually, the missing memories of last night flooded back. I had passed out, and before that, my skin had started growing wolf fur. The realization struck me – something had changed within me, something beyond ordinary. But I still couldn't understand why Ethan was reacting this way.

I quickly examined my skin, gently touching it to check for any fur or unusual changes, but everything seemed normal. There were no signs of fur or anything out of the ordinary.

"They claim that we're both carriers of the Alpha's powers. But in my eyes, I believe one of us is truly an Alpha, while the other remains nothing but a mere pawn. You and that Physicians will be beheaded for messing with my powers!" Ethan screamed with fury. His voice was accompanied by the echoing growl of his spirit wolf, making it seem as if he was roaring at me.

My heart pounded in my chest upon hearing the dreaded word "beheaded."

So, it was true that I am now a carrier of the Alpha's powers. But I had never intended to acquire them, and I questioned whether these powers were worth more than Ethan's life. I'm sure he knew that I had save his life, but all he cares about was his lost Alpha powers.

"My Lord, I don't understand what you're talking about," I muttered, trying to find the right words to calm him.

"Silence!!!" He shouted, unleashing his claws in anger. "You may have managed to gain the Alpha's powers, but I promise to make your life miserable before you can even begin to practice the abilities you've stolen."

Fear gripped me as his words echoed through my mind. I had unintentionally entangled myself in a dangerous web of power struggles. The consequences of the ritual were far more complex than I could have ever imagined.

Ronald couldn't stand by, overhearing the intense conversation between me and Ethan. He knew that he couldn't directly intervene, but he was certain someone else could. The tension in the air was striking, and he feared that if Ethan wasn't stopped, something terrible might happen to me.

Thinking quickly, Ronald rushed towards Elizabeth, Ethan's mother. He shared some crucial details about what was unfolding at the training site.

"Why are you only just coming now?" Elizabeth exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice as she hurriedly followed Ronald.

"He's on the edge, my Lady. Last night, when he learned that half of his Alpha's powers were gone, I saw the fury in his eyes. If we don't act fast, he might do something irreversible," Ronald explained urgently.

Elizabeth's eyes widened with concern and fear for me. She knew the strength of Ethan's emotions and the power he wielded as an Alpha. The thought of him losing control and causing harm to me was unbearable to her

"We have to get to them before it's too late," she said, determination in her voice. Together, they rushed towards the scene, knowing that they needed to calm Ethan down and prevent a tragedy.

The intricacy of the situation hit me like a tidal wave. After that unexpected kiss in the woods with Ethan, I believed we had something special between us. But now, it was clear that I had been naively played, still merely a pawn in his game.

The realization burn deeply, and I couldn't help but blame myself for allowing my guard down and accept my feelings for him. In Ethan's eyes, I was nothing more than a disposable piece, easily discarded once he no longer needed me.

Before Ronald and Elizabeth could intervene, the situation took a dangerous turn. Ethan's hands were already wrapped around my throat, and I found myself gasping for air, struggling to breathe. Panic surged through me as I my veins swollen, and the world around me began to blur.

In those terrifying moments, I was on the verge of losing consciousness. Everything faded into darkness, and I was slipping away. But amidst the haze, a distant echo reached my ears like a lifeline.

"Ethan! What are you doing?!" the voice cried out. It was Elizabeth, who had arrived just in the nick of time.

Reacting swiftly, Ethan released his grip on my throat, but it was too late. The lack of oxygen had already taken its toll, and my body had succumbed to unconsciousness. As I fell towards the unforgiving floor, Ronald's quick reflexes kicked in.

With his werewolf lightning speed, Ronald reached my side in an instant, his arms catching me just before my head could hit hit the rocky floor.

To be continued... Will I be able to face Ethan again with a smile? Will my pawn life ever come to an end? Will I ever get to see the side of Ethan that made me fall for him? These questions awaited me.

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