
The Alpha's Obsession

Check out my new novel " Captive of the sea" .................................................................... My heart bled for them, my tears soaked my body. I swallowed every sob, digesting the horrific sight before me. My eyes widened when he took hold of my mother, she didn't fight back. " Who are you? father asked. " I'm Kale Oliver, Alpha of silver moon pack. I have longed waited to pay you back for killing the werecreatures. " This is your wife, right? Kale asked with an evil smile. " how much do you love her? " Please, if there is anyone you will kill, please don't harm her and my daughter, I beg you " Dad pleaded. Mother sniffed, her eyes finding mine. Her eyes held so much warning, so much love. Kale's claws Pierced into her throat, digging into her windpipe. He yanked out her oesophagus and vocal cord. Blood gushed out of her throat and eyes, her mouth Sharing the same fate. " Bring the girl out of the Barrow.." " busted! " busted! Did I care? No, I didn't. The moment I felt my mother life leave her body, something in me snapped, something was destroyed. I couldn't still shake as their leader commanded them to take me. " Burn down this island " I watched as the whole island was drowned in flame, the spirit of my people rising to Hades for their crimes. " Goodbye Vanessa, I love you " mother's voice whispered. Goodbye, mother........ Trapped in her fate, Vanessa tries to overcome her fears, stop the evil darkness and also try to untie herself under the claws of love she never opted for. ...

Phenomenalx · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 4: Barbarian

¶¶¶ Vanessa ¶¶¶

My ears twitched, my nose wiggling at the stench of the surroundings. My eyes fluttered open, my ears flapping at the sounds of whimpers. The place was dark but I could see a little from the lamp in the place. I was in a cell, a small smelly cell. The cell made my insides turn, my throat closed up as I blinked.

I never had the idea that they would keep someone in this type of stinky cell. Even though they were to keep someone in a cell, it shouldn't be so torturing enough like this particular one I was bounded inside like a fugitive.

I tried to lift my hands but realized I had shackles on my wrist. I looked at my ankles and traced the shackles that were attached to the wall by thick long chains. I let out a small sigh. I moaned painfully looking around the cell once more.

There was nothing but a miserable looking bed with torn Sheets and badly ripped out foam, I guess by looking at the bedbugs that ran joyfully over the foam.

My ankles and wrist were burning from the shackles exquisitely.

" Where am I", I thought, trying to stand up. Whoever threw me here did a good job throwing me on the ground instead of the stupid bed that looked like dry straws. I was very comfortable….. Note the sarcasm.

" She's finally awake ", a shill voice spoke with disdain. I turned my head to look at the miserable idiot that kept me here and turned my head to meet the owner of the voice; a pale looking tan-skinned girl with dark brown looked at me with her wobbling eyes. If my eyesight served me well, her Hair has a thick curly afro like Brown Hair. Taking a proper look at her, I knew she was of black origin but tan in complexion.

She looked at me with so much contempt but I wasn't worried about that. Only if I could break these freaking shackles and crush her intimidating eyes. I turned away, shifting my gaze to the bars. " I still wonder why they had to drop the filth here, you disgust me…' I blocked her out, shutting out every sound as I closed my eyes.

I thought back to my mother, her smile, her brilliant laughter, her beautiful eyes, her lovely face and her warm voice. Everything about her, no more would I see or feel it, no more would I be able to hear her again. The irony of the situation. It would be so good to kill them if only I could be able to kill them all. I quickly remembered the promise I made to my mother, a vow in the presence of the gods, a vow I will for the rest of my life never break and I would always attain to it.

My eyes snapped open when someone's hands were reaching out to smack me on the face. I couldn't see her face clearly as we were enveloped by the creepy darkness. Everywhere in the cell was dark Well, what more could I expect when we are dealing with creatures of the night whose night was like broad daylight to them. The only place you could see light was towards the entrance of the cell which was guarded by large werewolves whose sight alone will make you flee in uttermost fear.

My hands instinctively reached up and grabbed her hand, gathering my anger into it.

" Let go of my hands!" She shouted.

" You are not e werewolf", I growled.

" My vow does not apply to you so you better be careful, I can kill you just by wringing your neck", I pushed her away, making sure she fly back and hit her back against the bars. Certainly, my vow doesn't apply to her because it says " werewolves and not human". She hollered in pain, her shout bound to attract the guards.

I exhaled and shut my eyes, pushing my thoughts back to my very own mother again and back to my people. The very thought of them filled my subconsciousness with agony as tears well up to my eyes. They might have been incredibly bad people by killing other beings but they were still my people no matter what they were still my family.

I had three younger brothers from two women all dead now Except my elder brother whose whereabouts I don't know because of the incident that happened back on our island. Whether he's hiding or he's dead I can't fathom.

" You, barbarian ", I opened my eyes. Two wolves were staring at me, one closer and filled with greater hate. " So you could hit your fellow cellmate just by waking up!'. I kept quiet as I looked at them courageously and plainly.

These beasts killed your people! Your mother! Kill them back!

" Remember your promise Vanessa, remember ….. A voice whispered back, arguing the earlier one.

" I am talking to you !, He roared.


Not a word came out of my mouth. My actions seemed to have angered him more, he acted on that anger. Picking me up easily with one hand, he delivered a brutal punch to my left eye, enough to blind my eyes permanently. The pain was excruciating that I have to hold my tears within me That was already begging me to let it loose. I hissed in pain, swallowing my scream back in. My head throbbed, a loud ringing sound in my head.

A small sob escaped my mouth to hit him back he threw me against the wall, my head bashing against it. I whimpered as I slid down to my butt, sobbing but never letting the tears fall.

" Bitch", he spat out.

" Maxwell! Alpha kale warned everyone not to lay a hand on her what have you done! The other one shouted.

" How dare you touch her without the Alpha's consent". He warned everyone strictly not to hurt her or their hands on her. I sank my teeth into my lip, drawing blood from it as I fought the tears back.

" It's not like he'll know, he will never check on her ", the one that hit me said nonchalantly.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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