
The Alpha's Obsession

Check out my new novel " Captive of the sea" .................................................................... My heart bled for them, my tears soaked my body. I swallowed every sob, digesting the horrific sight before me. My eyes widened when he took hold of my mother, she didn't fight back. " Who are you? father asked. " I'm Kale Oliver, Alpha of silver moon pack. I have longed waited to pay you back for killing the werecreatures. " This is your wife, right? Kale asked with an evil smile. " how much do you love her? " Please, if there is anyone you will kill, please don't harm her and my daughter, I beg you " Dad pleaded. Mother sniffed, her eyes finding mine. Her eyes held so much warning, so much love. Kale's claws Pierced into her throat, digging into her windpipe. He yanked out her oesophagus and vocal cord. Blood gushed out of her throat and eyes, her mouth Sharing the same fate. " Bring the girl out of the Barrow.." " busted! " busted! Did I care? No, I didn't. The moment I felt my mother life leave her body, something in me snapped, something was destroyed. I couldn't still shake as their leader commanded them to take me. " Burn down this island " I watched as the whole island was drowned in flame, the spirit of my people rising to Hades for their crimes. " Goodbye Vanessa, I love you " mother's voice whispered. Goodbye, mother........ Trapped in her fate, Vanessa tries to overcome her fears, stop the evil darkness and also try to untie herself under the claws of love she never opted for. ...

Phenomenalx · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 18: A Deal With The Devil

The wall was old and creepy, green vegetation could be seen around the wall and surroundings and the sounds of cricket could be heard within a distance.

The cave was enveloped with darkness and only a few lights hung on the walls to provide light to the narrow passage. The silence and evil emanating from it was something you can't fathom unless you want to die shouting out of fear.

At the depth of the old cave, a figure could be found sitting on some kind of throne that was made of skulls and Bones. Just by the look of it will send chills down your spine and make you faint in anxiety.

His red eyes were glowing like that of a red crystal. His face was hidden behind a mask made from tree bark. His claws were long, looking like that of an old witch.

His clothes were just black, made with an ancient type of fabric. The aura he was emitting was very powerful and scary. Truly, he was just an exact copy of a dark lord or using the word dark lord was an understatement.

He looked like one of that evil princes of hell who was ruling over his subjects With so much authority and power. His appearance would keep you wondering the type of face he has behind those masks covering his face.

" My lord, we searched his manor but we couldn't find it, we ….,

" When will they ever be good news? Am sick and tired of your frequent excuse. I can't just wait and keep still and let my thousand years old plan just be dashed to the mud."

" I lack patience! I lack patience! He thundered making the shaking the foundation of the cave, causing a little damage and cracks to the walls.

" Don't be angry my lord, we tried our best but we could not do so because…..

" Tried your best ? he snapped.

" I hope is not your futile efforts you are trying to call best? He huffed.

" We couldn't carry out an effective search because we are trying to conceal our identity from the rest of the world since they thought we have been wiped out thousands of years back.

" And if we are not careful, am Afraid my lord, that our grand plans would be …..,

" Enough!

" I already considered that before sending you for that mission " he walked down from his throne.

" Last Time, I had to wait for a time before I could get what I want but I never knew fate had other plans" he touched the rogue chin lifting it.

" But now I don't think I can wait any longer"

" I don't want destiny to have a hand in this, I want to do it on my timing he said.

" Well, I was fully aware that such a thing would happen that's why I always got some plans.

" We don't need to stress ourselves anymore. I would have to collect something from someone important today for you to be able to conceal your identity."

"And who is this person that you're talking about. Before he could finish his statement, another rogue came running inside and he knelt before his master.

" Your grace, a woman has requested to see you". He reported.

" My timing is always correct" he chuckled.

" What did I tell you, Brandon?

Oh, his name was Brandon, his favourite rogue.

He managed to create those armies of a rogue when he was defeated by the moon goddess and out of anger, he tapped the energy of the supernaturals which was highly prohibited, when he did that, he corrupted his mind and soul and used the power to create rogues to do his biddings.

" I Never expected a werewolf to come here looking for me unless you seek on your h," he told Kimberly.

" And what do you think we bring me here? Do you think I would just come running into the devil's liar? She said with sudden boldness.

" A frog that runs on broad daylight is running from something or running to something, do you agree my lord ?..

" I see that you are blessed with knowledge, I saw a Luna like you all these years with such boldness. The one's I have seen have the spirit of timidity.."

" I guess you won't offer your guest a sit or something to drink or eat" Kimberly noted.

" Ahh, it has been long the word ' generosity got lost from my dictionary' it has long been forgotten and wiped away from my mind.

" Forgive me if I didn't treat you well, don't forget your hospitality is my concern ". He smiled devilishly inside.

" Now that she is here, why not use her as one of my pawns to get my goals going and soaring high," he thought.

" Thanks To my many abilities, I was able to draw this one here, at least I will use my celestial eyes on her to see and watch how things are going in that pack. Maybe one of those wolves might hold a clue to what am looking for." He smiled again, nodding to his thoughts.

" And Kimberly, how did you find me, Because am pretty aware that I made sure that no one knows that I ever existed." As they sat down to drink.

Removing the black veil she used to hide her face, she laughed ;

" Hahaha, what do you call me? A dumb and useless type of luna who doesn't know anything but to fill her Alpha's desire?

" I thought so " he added.

" Well it seems like you are wrong, how am I not going to know that an old powerful werewolf existed?

" Lycan " he corrected.

" I have my sources". She said.

" Just say what you want than beating around the bush" he smiled, giving her a devilish look.

" Since you seem pretty much aware, then I will hit the hammer on the nail ".

" I need the heart's portion ".

" What! Did I just hear you say the heart's portion? He asked looking surprised.

" I won't repeat myself".

" Do you know the essence of a heart's portion? I guess you don't.

" The heart's potion is so powerful that when it is used properly, it creates some kind of eternal bond with that person, I mean that person's heart will get merged with the other person heart thereby making them feel and share the same emotions for each other."

" And as the Luna, I don't see the reason you need this since you're already mated to your Alpha" he warned.

" Then I hope I will be using this portion of yours because I can't just stand and see a slave, a Barbarian, a weakling, a mere human snatch the heart of my love and take my position".

" I can't! I just can't !!!! She yelled.

" Then if you insist on using it, then you will have to offer something in return ".. he requested.

" Name your price, as far as I can become the Luna of that pack, I don't mind sacrificing the whole world".

" Wow, I just love your vibe, I think you will make a badass Luna" he laughed.

"Now listen carefully, are you willing to offer me half of your wolf abilities?

" No ! Impossible! She shouted.

" Have you forgotten the old saying ' use what you have to get what you want?

" If you are not interested, then forget about the portion".

" Wait!

" You can take it, but I need the portion ".

He left her and returned a few minutes later.

" Here is what you are looking for, I won't also tell you how to use it since you already know about it ".

" Now it's time to take mine "

He steadied his hands and stretch them towards her forehead, creating some kind of sparkling energy. He absorbed all the quantities he needed, sealing them inside the bottle.

When he was done, Kimberly spat out blood as she was already exhausted. He gave her a few medications and she left immediately, hiding the material inside her Cloak.

" Brandon, I think all our problems have been solved, take this"

He handed down the Bottle to him.

" You can use this to cover your identity as a rogue and look more like a werewolf to avoid being detected. Also, you can use their abilities so fighting with them won't be of any difficulty".

" Thank you, my lord, your knowledge is beyond the world, I will go quickly to prepare the ritual with other rogues". Saying this, Brandon walked out.

" Hahaha, nobody can stop me again, not even the heavens!

" nobody will ever can and I mean no one...