
The Alpha's Obsession

Check out my new novel " Captive of the sea" .................................................................... My heart bled for them, my tears soaked my body. I swallowed every sob, digesting the horrific sight before me. My eyes widened when he took hold of my mother, she didn't fight back. " Who are you? father asked. " I'm Kale Oliver, Alpha of silver moon pack. I have longed waited to pay you back for killing the werecreatures. " This is your wife, right? Kale asked with an evil smile. " how much do you love her? " Please, if there is anyone you will kill, please don't harm her and my daughter, I beg you " Dad pleaded. Mother sniffed, her eyes finding mine. Her eyes held so much warning, so much love. Kale's claws Pierced into her throat, digging into her windpipe. He yanked out her oesophagus and vocal cord. Blood gushed out of her throat and eyes, her mouth Sharing the same fate. " Bring the girl out of the Barrow.." " busted! " busted! Did I care? No, I didn't. The moment I felt my mother life leave her body, something in me snapped, something was destroyed. I couldn't still shake as their leader commanded them to take me. " Burn down this island " I watched as the whole island was drowned in flame, the spirit of my people rising to Hades for their crimes. " Goodbye Vanessa, I love you " mother's voice whispered. Goodbye, mother........ Trapped in her fate, Vanessa tries to overcome her fears, stop the evil darkness and also try to untie herself under the claws of love she never opted for. ...

Phenomenalx · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 17: Don't hate me

" Don't hate me! Don't hate your life because you have no right to!' He shouted furiously.

''You had no right to make me watch you rip out my mother's throat!

" You had no right to kill her!!!' I screamed at the top of my voice. I was already on my feet, secretly eyeing the scissors on the table.

''How dare you kill her when she did nothing?!!!!!!'

''You will not speak to me with such disrespect!!!'

''Or else what?! Kill me?! Break my bones as your wolves did?!

Starve me?! Hurl me around or use me to play ball! Force me down into the sower and make me drink it!

"Make me crawl on nails and thorns with something bigger than me crushing my spine!

" Put my hands into a fire! Flog me! Claw at my face, punch my eyes, make me work my bones out or have me tied to an animal and pulled along thorn filled hails,' I spoke softly at the end, remembering all I've been through.

''Throw me down the stairs, make me bees practice dummy or leave me starved and alone under the sun for men to stare for three days.

" What else do I have left? I have no family, no relative, no mom, no dignity, no pride.

" You shouldn't have saved me, you should have let me die…' I sobbed, stylishly grabbing the scissors.

'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you in their care. I thought they would follow my instructions…'

'I'm glad they didn't,'

'Please don't say that…'

'And I hate that you saved me, I want to embrace death. You won't let me live in peace, and you won't let me die. What then do you want from me?'

'Just don't die,'

'Too late, death is the only thing that would make me feel better…' And just like that, I raised the scissors to stab myself in the neck.

One minute he was at the bed, the other he had hurled himself forward and collided his body with mine. He knocked me down, quickly pinning my hands on the ground.

''Don't ever do that! Don't try to kill yourself or you'll kill me?!'

" Kill him?

Don't look at me, I don't know what he's talking about.

'Why shouldn't I die! You killed my mother! I hate you! I hate you! And I will keep hating you until…'

He crashed his lips on mine, stopping me from finishing my sentence.

He kissed me! This is all your fault!… Lona said chidingly… You had to tell him you hate him and he kissed us!

" Us? Again, there is no us, just me.

" And how is it my fault!

"Just bite him.

"Good idea.

Getting his bottom lip between my lip, I sank my teeth into it, holding on to it to make sure I cause damage.

He howled out in pain, before removing his mouth from mine. He stood up from my body, howling and mourning his burst lip. I eyed the scissors again.

''Do you hate me that much to bite me?!' I didn't reply, grabbed the scissors instead but he was fast to knock it off my hand again.

''Let me die!'


I'll make him kill me then.

''Is this how you are, letting the daughter of the man that killed your family live?

" Yes Kale, I am his daughter and she was my mother.

Now I think about it, I'm glad he killed so much of your kind, glad he wiped out your entire family and now you are lonely…'

''If you think you can bait me into killing you, then think again. I have more self-control than you think. And if you should think about it properly, you are the lonely one.

I have my pack, my somewhat cousins and dear friends. What do you have left?'

My throat went dry, he was right. I remembered how he crushed our island, engulfing it with flames, I also remembered how he pulled out my cousin and Aunt neck, Crushed my father's head and yanked out my mother's oesophagus. my eyes watered, he caused it all. 'I hate you,' I sobbed.

" Your hate has nothing on me. You are not allowed to die. If it would make you feel better, your meaningless life means something to me.'

Why? Why? Why? Why?

What if you are his mate?… Lona asked… Just asking.

That is not possible but if…

I smiled slyly as I thought about it. If I was truly his mate, then he would feel all my pain, my emotions and needed me alive, right? I gathered up all the hatred I felt and pushed it into my emotion, adding my strong desire to either die or kill him forward too. I mean, what else could explain the sudden affection for him? Do they need to be with him? If I was his mate, then I had the upper hand.

I'll destroy you, Kale.

Calm down Vanessa, calm down

" Calm down huh? If calming down would solve my problem, I would have done that long ago.

I smiled inwardly. The wicked side of me suggested something, I was going to act on it.

''If you want me alive, then stay away from me, don't come close to me at all.'

''If I do that, do you assure me that you won't try to stab yourself?'

''I can't live when all those who hurt me live. How did you even heal me? I was sure death was calling me.'

''Let me worry about that. I will make sure they are punished for disobedience, I already made sure of that before you woke up.' He murmured.

''How long?'

'A week ?.

'' A month later, Years to come or one eternity later?

''Whatever, get out and never come back or I'll kill myself…'

''Why are you threatening me with your life? Do you think I care!'

" Oh, reverse psychology, isn't it?

''Maybe because I am not completely dumb to the lifestyle of a werewolf. I am pretty much you are aware,' he winced.

''Don't do anything stupid or I'll kill you myself.' He threatened.

''If you wanted to do that, you would have done that already. I dare you to do it, I don't mind dying anyway.'

''You!' He snorted angrily.

''Get… Out!' I roared. He glared at me hatefully. Before I could speak again, he was gone.

Now that he is gone, let's throw ourselves on the bed and cry… Lona chirped.

What I said hurt me. I could feel his anger, his frustration and hate. I put my legs to my chest and hugged it, burying my face into my knees and letting the tears fall.

" Can I stay away from him?.

" Can I stand it? I can't, I can't.

" Your fault, your fault… Lona chanted ghostlily.

I hate you sometimes.

" Guess what?… She whispered… I don't exist, you do. I rolled my eyes mentally.

After crying for almost an hour, I took myself to the bed and slept off. I wasn't feeling any pain when he was around, but since he left, all the healing pains returned.

After sleeping uncomfortably for over three hours, I woke up with my usual headache and stomach pain. Only this time, I knew my stomach was biting me because of Kale's absence.

I would never Fall for any wolf, the same man that killed my mother and my father killed his. How ironic.

''Elsa!' Rina shrieked, barging into my hospital ward. Neither she nor Giselle gave me time to acknowledge their presence, they tackled me down in a suffocating hug. I gasped for air as they held me so tight. Elle pulled away first, but Rina refused to let go of me.

'First of all, since when did Kiwi get involved?'

''Vanessa, Elsa, get it?' Rina giggled. Elle laughed and shook her head.

''You can let go of me now,' I coughed.

''Oh, sorry,' I squeaked when she tightened her hands.

''Is that better?'

''Carina,' I gasped. She laughed and let go of me. I breathe in sharply, coughing at the same time.

''Thanks for plotting with the enemy to kill me.'

''You're welcome,' she winked at me.

''What are you girls doing here?'

''We wanted to see you, how you are fairing.

Alpha Kale banned everyone from coming but we risked it…

"Hey, what did you say to him? He was pissed off when he left here about three hours ago.' Elle replied.

''Four,' Rina corrected. 'And yeah,

''What did you say to him?'

''Nothing more than I hate him.'

''Really? Because Justin is dead because of that statement,' my eyes widened.

'Yes, he was furious he walked up to Justin and snapped his neck. I wasn't told, I was there.'

'Elle, that is the half story,' Rina said gossipingly. 'I'll give you the full gist,' she shifted closer.

''So, after you were brought here, Alpha Kale came to me and asked me what happened and who hurt you, I told him everything and even added a little pepper. After that, he returned here. He stayed with you for a day, him and Rick. After that day, the purging began.'

''What purging?'

''He couldn't call out all who hurt you, so he called out the ones that hurt you most. Justin, Keisha, Kimberly…' My interest was in Kimberly.

''He yelled at them for disobeying his order, for feeling they could step on him like he was nothing; his command was nothing. He summoned the entire pack and stripped every one of them off their titles and ranks.

Justin lost the same eye he made you lose, same as Justin. Kim suffered what he made you suffer. He not only had her left hand burnt with fire, but he also threw her into a tub of sewer water and then flogged and left out for three days just like you did. He even whipped her against the tub so she'll break her ribs just like you did.

Remember Keisha had you dragged along thorns and that other blonde wolf made you crawl on your knees with that thing on your back?

" They suffered too.

" It was amazing.

If it wasn't for the fact that Rick was the one who cried on your behalf, everyone would have thought you are his mate. Kale loves Rick a lot, can kill an entire pack to please the small boy.

Do you know that Keisha died last night?' My mouth fell open. 'You went through hell, you didn't die, she went through a little and she died. She's a weakling. Even those teenagers that used you to play ball were punished, same as the man that kicked you down the stairs.

Kale threw him from the rooftop. He didn't die but he broke his legs for seven hours.'

'Kale did all that for me?'

'' Rick not Kale,' Elle corrected. I smiled widely, knowing he did it for me. A strange satisfaction settled in my stomach, almost all were gone.

Mom said "don't kill any wolf, she didn't say they can't kill themselves.

And That's true my dear Vanessa…

I want to thank all my fans for their undying loyalty...

Phenomenalx loves you all.........

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