
Chapter 71

"I know... If anyone can understand you in such a great grade is me. She loves you a lot Alex and I feel you like my brother."

"I know, the feeling in reciprocal."

"Take care of yourself man. I can't listen to you like this, you are killing me!" he tells me frustrated.

"I will, I promise you. Did Henna tell you?"

"You are thinking about a baby, right?" he asks cheerfully.

"Yeah but we are not quite sure..."

"Henna is, it is up to you now." He tells me with meaning.

"What do you mean?" I ask him confused.

"She wants a baby and she is sure. She is just a bit worried about you. She knows you are not very good psychologically and she doesn't want to pressure you. Man, I know you want it. Just do it. Ember would be happy!"

"Really? I had no idea, she told me she was fine with it." I murmur.

"She doesn't want to pressure you. You want a baby, stop delaying it."