
Chapter 61

She left her phone fall to the floor, her legs began shaking, she was ready to throw up, she was sweating and Beth was howling so loud that everything was spinning around her office.

"Ember!" Alex screamed rushing in her office with a panicked Tia in his arms.

Ember fell on the floor gasping for air. Tia was sobbing, her parents came in shaking, Kyle was screaming in anger from somewhere near and Dean with Albert was trying to calm him down.

"This is going to end today Bryan." She said inside her, took a deep breath and stood up.

She pushed out of her way all of them, got out of her office and rushed out of the pack house. Henna appeared right behind her out of nowhere with her aunt, Jenny and her uncle, Travis.

"Ember what are we going to do?" Henna asked shaking in agony.

"Henna take trackers and fighters, try to track down Bryan's men with my aunt NOW!" she roared and began running to the forest alone.