
Chapter 24

~some time later~

"...He has lost his mind. He is not listening to anyone except from Zachary." she says and sighs in disappointment.

Wendy and Evan told us everything that has happened since Alex left their pack and joined mine.

Bryan is a mess, he is always angry and loses his patience very easily. He is drinking every night, he... Even sleeps with other women...

That's something that killed me inside I have to say and I held my tears back with extreme difficulty but what can I do?

He chose all these...

"Can we please talk about something else?" I say nervously and stiffen on my sit.

"Yes, I am sorry Ember." Wendy whispers and places her hand on mine encouragingly.

We begin talking about different things, Wendy and Evan get to know better my brother, my sister and friends. Tia and Wendy have lots of things in common, they could have been great friends under different circumstances.