
Chapter 200

Mm... I am in this book from the 1st so he has to be from...

"Oh, from the 2nd!" he screams preventing me from saying it.

"And from that moment you and Ember are killing me with this story of yours! I am not a God here! How much more patience do you expect from me to have, huh? I need some peace! I will ask from the author special treatment from now on, I decided it! I am done, really!" he says with no pause and I shake my head in agreement.

Yes, he has a point... The author killed us all...

"Alex..." I say timidly and he crosses his hands sighing.

"Just drive okay... We will talk after I think of what I am going to tell her, I want to be convincing!" he says quickly and I nod.

I focus on the road while he looks outside his window and opens it. The cool air is refreshing and I calm down almost immediately.