
Chapter 195

"I missed you!" she yelled jumping in her mother's arms with the bouquet still in her hands.

"We missed you too baby! Did you have a good time with your aunts?" Ember asked kissing her forehead and cheeks and El nodded chucking.

"Yes, we had a great time but don't leave again!" she replied and turned to her father that were wiping his first tears.

"Daddy!" she said shyly pulling back and handing the flowers to her mother.

"There is my princess!" Bryan exclaimed and pulled her in his arms emotional.

He stood up with Ember doing the same thing and Wendy approached them. Bryan just surrendered to his daughter's kisses and soft caressing with El behaving like he was her God and Ember smirked with Bryan's lost expression while Wendy was chuckling and the others laughed.

"I was dreaming of you..." Eleanor whispers close to her father's ear and kissed him again making his heart melt.