
Chapter 194

After them, were Kyle and Nina with Derek and Tia. Kyle was by far happier than ever, he was close to break into sobbing and not because of Zachary... Now his main interests were Ember and Bryan, his sister and his new brother. He was the one that had trusted Bryan first and he was right. Bryan became everyone's supporter, an equal family member, a man worthy of his sister and her love and a man that deserved a second chance.

Nina from the other side was wiping her tears, Ember was her sister after all, she knew her for two years and her story with Bryan had touched her heart just like Derek that had lived everything the previous weeks. He was closer than everyone else to Bryan, they knew about Kyle, they had helped him together and Bryan had found out about him and Tia, he had helped them and had promised to tell nobody, Derek was not only grateful to him, he was considering him as his older brother, the one he never had and needed his guidance.