
Chapter 182

"You are going to have the worst end there is! I assure you!" he roared turning again to Zachary that took a step back nervously and growled.

His fear made his appearance again and he decided not to wait any longer and risk it! There were more things he wanted to tell Bryan but he couldn't continue and lose his chance of killing Bryan.

He raised his hand ready to order them to kill him and the vampires growled getting ready but...

"Not so fast!" a deep man's voice sounded from the woods and made everyone freeze and Bryan gasp.

"KYLE?" he exclaimed and turned around the second Kyle appeared from the woods.

"Did you think I would leave you alone against that bastard?" he asked stopping some meters away from him.

And there he was standing tall, confident, angry with pure hatred in his eyes. His expression was scary even for Bryan that knew Kyle wanted to help him and kill Zachary!