
Chapter 163

I try to get free from his hold, I push him back with every power I have left, I hit him as many times as I can but nothing seems to be enough. He is still holding me so tightly that I feel like I am running out of oxygen and my vision gets blurred but...

"Ember NO!" Tia roars from extremely close and the next second the man screams from pain and I fall down on my knees gasping for air.


I observe her hitting him with a large branch of a tree and he suddenly stands up like a flash and jumps on her causing her to fall on the ground with him on top of her.

I try to scream but my voice doesn't come out and I stand up again but a sharp pain on my head hits me again like electricity and I fall down dizzy.

I listen to Tia screaming, the man growling and some howls but I can't do a thing.

I close my eyes from the pain and stop resisting it more and I allow the darkness to consume me with the last thing I hear being Bryan.