
Chapter 161

I can't understand him, really! I thought he wanted me but he keeps on stepping back when it comes too close to this point. He never explains himself, I feel like I am unwanted and it hurts!

"I want you to be sure about it and the only way is if you remember and you keep on wanting me. I won't feel alright with myself if I know that I slept with you while you hadn't gotten completely sure about it. What if you change your mind once your memory returns? You will accuse me for taking advantage of you and you will be right. I don't want things to happen like this!"

"Bullshit Bryan! What if I never remember? What if I am already sure and I want this to happen? I am not such an idiot to accuse you for something I wanted and I caused!" I yell and he sits on the bed with his head bended avoiding looking at me.

Why is he so scared or the future? Why doesn't he believe it us? In me!?