
Chapter 157

I howl loudly warning them for my intentions but they all growl showing me their canines and I get ready to attack but them...

I get pushed on the ground from something that came out of nowhere and I land violently with it on top of me. I instantly feel a strong pain on my stomach and Kin howls in pain before our vision starts getting blurred and I manage to smell blood and...


"KYLE!" I think I listen to Nina screaming but I can't react, I feel paralyzed, the pain is killing me and I try to breathe but in vain.

"KYLE NO!" she screams again and I sigh weakly.

I feel my eyes heavy and everything around me seems too dark and sore, just like me. I feel nothing and Kin disappears howling lowly.

And with this I allow the darkness consume me...

~about three days later, Switzerland, Derek's pack house~

Nina's pov

I cover him better and kiss his forehead as gently as I can.