
Chapter 151

"I know and it is my own fault! Everything is my fault and I want to tell you that I am truly sorry. I wanted for days to talk with you but I couldn't, I was too scared. I am unforgivable for being distant with you and Kyle the last two years. I hurt you two and your mom, this is the worst think I have ever done and I am really in pain for Kyle's runaway. I know he left because of me and I regret everything, I am dying feeling him in pain because of me. I want to change everything, all the things I did, I want to make the right things from now on. I can't be without you in my life. I will do anything to prove how sorry I am, I can beg you and Kyle if you want to. I am sorry sweetheart! I really am!" I manage to say as in the end I am almost sobbing gasping for air with my head bended.