
Chapter 130

I do not have more to say, I think it is pointless. I will be thinking of you, I will pray for you and I want you to pray for me as well. I will be back soon. Have fun, stay safe and take care.

I love you all,

Kyle Glenn."

The second Alex finished the letter Fern fell on her knees and they all stood in silence looking at each other with blank expression except from Tia and Ember that were still crying but not that much as before.

"When he comes back and I lay my hands on him I will kill him!" Alex screamed and threw the letter on the floor cursing.

"We should have taken his words more seriously..." Dean murmured and that made everyone that didn't know about Kyle's discussion about it look at him confused.

"You knew? And didn't tell us?" George shouted angrily and took one step to him but Albert blocked his way.