
Chapter 129

"I told you!" Tia cried and rushed out of the room like a flash with the three envelopes in her hands leaving Ember shocked.

She had just remembered something like the previous night and her feelings were drowning her. She didn't know if she had to be happy or not. It was positive that she had started to remember some things but the most important was that Kyle had surely left, Tia was right and that was scaring her even more.

Tia was the youngest of them but she was way more sensible and her bond with Kyle was too strong that she felt his absence immediately... They were going to have problems if they wouldn't manage to find Kyle and bring him back. Tia would be devastated, she was already but soon it was going to become worse and that was scaring Ember.

When she realized what that meant and listening to Tia's cries and woken up from her thoughts she run outside the room and quickly behind Tia that was rushing inside their parents' room.