
Chapter 127

~early next morning~

Kyle got up slowly from his bed trying not to make any noise that would wake up Ember, Tia or Eleanor. They had slept all together like when they were kids. Tia and El were in the middle as always with Ember and him at the sides. They had decided to sleep in his room and El was too excited because it was the first time that she would sleep with her uncle and aunt.

The girls fell asleep very quickly. Tia was curled like a ball in Ember's hug while Eleanor had buried herself in Kyle's.

He didn't sleep all night, he was staring at them sleeping with tears on his eyes. His heart was breaking into pieces but he couldn't do otherwise, he needed to leave and stay away from everyone for a while.

Once he got up from the bed he got dressed casually and after he took one last look of the girls he got out of his room in silence and walked quickly to his office.