
Chapter 120

My eyes are locked on her face and the more I get closer the more her scent is driving me crazy. She smells really good, it's a mix of oranges and cinnamon and I can't understand why I haven't realized it before.

"We were one back then. The five of us. The happiest days of my life. After we came back the hell came and we broke apart." She whispers and turns to look at me in the eyes the moment I sit next to her on her bed.

I lock my eyes on hers and lose my breath.

She has the most beautiful honey eyes I have seen, they are so expressive and big, they are magical.

Why hadn't I realized it until now ?

"I miss these days very much! I miss Nate, I miss his smile, his voice, his laughter, his liveliness, everything!" she whispers and some tears start falling from her eyes.

This is breaking my heart, I can't see her like this, I don't know why this feels so difficult for me. Watching her crying feels like a torture.