
Chapter 101


Bryan jumped up breathless with his eyes widely open, his body shaking from panic and his ears perked unable to accept the low noise that came out of Ember's throat.

"Doctor!" he shouted and stood up speechless.

He felt a squeeze on his hands and saw Ember moving slightly groaning in a low, weak tone.

"What is it?" The doctor asked panicked getting inside the room with Navid right behind him.

"See! She is waking up!" Bryan shouted overwhelmed shaking.

"Ember!" Navid exclaimed as she moved more and began opening her eyes slowly.

"Alpha? Do you hear me?" the doctor asked and tried to push Bryan and Navid back and get closer to Ember.

Ember opened her eyes and then closed them again sighing. She groaned and tried to clear her throat trying to raise her hands on her head but the doctor stopped her gently and she opened her eyes again confused.