

"Why do you care Xaidyn? Yesterday I was just the rogue that stepped foot on your territory." "You're my MATE!" "NO! I'm nothing to you remember that." Whitley didn't grow up normally. She had no family, and the only person that ever loved her is now nowhere to be found. What is she left to do but go and ask for help from the people that might have done something to her father? Xaidyn isn't your average Alpha. His wolf is barely under control and his pack is hanging by a thread. The only person that can help him fix both of his problems is refusing to make things easy. How is he going to solve all of this? Read to find out

Christa_kadimba · Fantasy
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5 Chs


I should have never said that I know the situation is much more serious than I'm letting on. It's not safe to let out my wolf, as it's not just any regular wolf. An exasperated sigh left my mouth because, of course, no one told me why I am such a threat, but to stay alive I know must keep this secret.

"Now I know what you might be thinking since nobody saw my wolf, we are safe so you can laugh now. Hehe"

*I don't know why you're laughing so much we are about to get killed*

Listen if I can't fix something allow me to laugh about it. I reply in a sarcastic tone rolling my eyes at my wolf.

"Do you not like the life that I have built for us here Whitley?" I suddenly hear that hoarse and once comforting voice say

I often never felt any guilt whilst disobeying my father however, looking at the anguish on his face has made me feel so condemned.

"That's not the true father I love it here it's just that, "

"Just what Whitley?" I could see that anguish slowly turn to disappointment. Oh boy here comes another lecture. "Every order I give you ignore. If I tell you, it's not safe, you run to the danger anyway. You don't listen to a word I say. What do I have to do to make you understand that the world out there is not meant for a girl like you!"

"A girl like me?" I feel the tears starting to form. "I'm sorry that I am such a nuisance to you and everyone around me. I never asked to be born a freak!! Maybe it's better if I just leave..." Why does he always have to be like this? I didn't ask to be like this nor did I ask for all those damn rules. Well, good riddance you don't have to worry about that anymore.

"Whitley wait!!"

Am I being dramatic? I've been sheltered my whole life. Told what I could and couldn't do. Being kept from everyone because of the fear of getting killed if they found out what I am. I am aware that I would be killed if anyone found out. But do I not get the chance to live a normal life like everyone else? Why Moon goddess? Why would you curse me so?

*Where are you going, Whitley? Go back and fix things with father.*

I will... just not right now... I just... I need some time to breathe

*Whitley, I know you're mad, but you need to,*

But what!? That's the thing Winter, you don't understand why I'm mad! I'm not upset with him saying am not normal. I hear that constantly from him, so I'm immune to it now. What I'm upset about is that he doesn't treat me like I'm normal. That goes for everyone. It's like I'm some sort of freak that needs to be always under high surveillance. I hate it!!!

That's why you should talk to him. Get him to understand why you are upset and maybe we can come up with a solution together. I hear Winter saying in a reassuring voice

I know Winter is right, I just needed some time to think.

I will Winter just not right now... right now I need a break


I don't think talking to my father will fix anything. I'm doomed to live a life of solitude away from everyone. I honestly just need a break from everything.

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I started walking further and further away from home until I reached my favorite place 'The forest'. It has always been my safe place even when I never understood why it always felt safe here. Before I enter it's almost an instinct to close my eyes and take in the forest. I feel the sun rays on my skin warming me up and a warm breeze that starts blowing. I hear the creatures of the forest scurrying about and the rushing of the river down below. With a big inhale I take in the earthiness of the forest, a scent that not only calms me but reminds me of home. Opening my eyes, I look at the fur trees standing proud and mighty reaching the stars. Squawk!!!! Breathing rapidly while clutching my hand to my chest and looking for the source of the sound. My eyes finally rest on a raven perching on a branch above me. Wow! The nerve of that bird. I swear it's going to be the death of me one day. Snapping me back to reality I continue my walk eastward until I could see my treehouse.

My treehouse although old is still beautiful. The design has always fascinated me. Being built around an ancient Fur Tree making it look like an acorn. In contrast to the woods around it, my treehouse is a beautiful light brown with a reddish-brown door. The roof was built with movable panels. This is my favorite because when it's nighttime, I get to open a certain part up just enough to stargaze. Stopping at the bridge built between the treehouse and the mainland. A flashback of me being afraid to cross this bridge when I was young. It took all the small animals to walk beside me as an encouragement to cross. Laughing lowly as I cross the same bridge. I was such a scaredy-cat then.

This is where my father found me. I don't remember why I was left here or by who all I know is that I was alone with the birds and small animals until my father found me. It's just as I remember it. The light hardwood floors with a few splinters here and there. The old Burgundy desk with a matching stool sitting off to the right. My eyes pan to the far end. Just as I remember, the ragged blue hammock was strung up against the window with a bright red pillow to accompany it. Smiling as the good memories start to flood in. Slowly turning to my left my eyes land on the stairs leading up to the loft. The place where I spent my nights looking at the stars. The bed still had those horrible grey quilts and rainbow-colored pillows. However, despite the looks, it sure was comfy and warm. I've always been alone whether I wanted to, or I had to. I just wished that this time I would have more options to choose from.

Do you remember our life here?

*How can I forget just how carefree we used to be? We did whatever we wanted whenever we wanted, and we had zero responsibilities. Such a good life, right?*

Right, but we were so lonely... we could barely talk to father when he found us... I don't think we could have survived if he didn't find us...

*Then go make-up with him and we can act like this never happened*

I'll always miss my old home and everything about my past life. However, Winter is right, there is no point in thinking about the past when I have my whole life ahead of me.

"I'll be back don't miss me too much."

I need to see my father and tell him how I feel. Maybe we can find a compromise and I won't have to risk our lives for such childish reasons.

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When I tell this wolf that we need to work out more she says we are in shape. Well, that's a lie! Look at me huffing and puffing and I barely run a long distance. I'm not meant for this type of lifestyle. Goddess have mercy.

*WHITLEY! Run faster I smell people by our house! And one of them smells familiar!*

Wh-what?! Do you think it's the people from that pack? Do you think they came to kill us? Do you-

*I don't know but we need to get there ASAP*

Whitley, you finally did it. You are going to get everyone killed! why are you so stupid! I hope father is safe. Dear Moon Goddess, I beg you please keep him safe. Are all these men out there looking for me? You would think I stole more than just food and medicine

*Whitley, I see one behind our door*

Got it

"WHO ARE YOU? AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I say with as much courage as I could muster

I've never used one of Dad's knives, as I've never had to, but this situation requires it and I am willing to do anything to protect my father and our home

"We caught you thief." Fantastic...

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