

"Why do you care Xaidyn? Yesterday I was just the rogue that stepped foot on your territory." "You're my MATE!" "NO! I'm nothing to you remember that." Whitley didn't grow up normally. She had no family, and the only person that ever loved her is now nowhere to be found. What is she left to do but go and ask for help from the people that might have done something to her father? Xaidyn isn't your average Alpha. His wolf is barely under control and his pack is hanging by a thread. The only person that can help him fix both of his problems is refusing to make things easy. How is he going to solve all of this? Read to find out

Christa_kadimba · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Hold up Handsome!

"Get in here," a man with a scar across his face, yells at me as he shoves me into the cell

"Gently! You brute!" I know that what I did was wrong, but I don't understand why I must be treated like this. I'm still a lady! A dirty disheveled lady but a lady, nonetheless.

"Sorry princess," he said with a condescending tone. Before I had time to reply he shut the door in my face.

Just great! Father was right, all these games I was playing, now look at me... I am stuck in this miserable cell with no sunlight and an unreliable wolf inside me

I am so sorry Whitley... I should have done more... I-I panicked...

Listen I don't want to hear it just make sure we get out of here safe and sound, okay!


I can't believe they caught us. I mean it's me we are talking about! How could they catch me? Thinking in disbelief!

Can you stop being so dramatic and work on getting us out of here

ME?!? How am I supposed to do that, I can barely handle the trips we do to steal-, I mean to borrow from them, now you want me to fight my way out of this?!? Hell no!

We don't have a choice now do we? If we end up in the Alphas office, we are done for! Do you know what he is capable of doing to us?

No, I don't, and I hope to never find out. It must be bad luck or something, first, we get caught with nowhere to go and I must face the infamous Alpha.

"Watch it pretty face you don't want to hurt yourself before your execution," he said whilst chuckling

Winter, he said execution! They are going to kill me for stealing!

Whitley calm down you. You need to be calm so we can get out of here.

Winter's right there is no use in me being this worried it is not like they will kill me, right?

"Alpha, we found the rogue just like you asked us to."

Me? A Rogue? Looking for? Does the alpha know about me already? I wish the ground would swallow me whole!

"Leave her here and get out" A deep voice responded.

No, do not leave me here! Take me with you man... Great, he left me here, just peachy. Don't worry Whitley you got this you can deal with the big bad wolf. Right Winter? Winter? Why does she always do this?

"Listen man! I am not the person you're looking for. You should let me go and go about your godlike work just like the god that you are! Oops, did I say that aloud?"

Yes, you did

Shut up you know how I get when I am nervous!

Calm down he will not hurt us! I promise

That is easy for you to say he can't hurt you now, can he?!?

"Do you know to whom you are speaking too? It seems to me that you do not understand what's going on now, do you?"

As I was ready to give him peace of mind, he turned around and it was as if my whole world stopped because in front of me was a man more godlike than the gods themselves. I didn't think I was attracted to Asian guys but, damn this man is fine! A whole Greek god standing in front of me. Honey skin tone, all tatted up with ear piercings. I mean I never liked tattoos, but they honestly look beautiful on him against his skin. Dear moon goddess, please have mercy on me, because his jawline could execute me right here and now. Let me not get started on his lips because they are kissable. Look at them cushions. And his eyes are so intense like he is looking into my soul. This is the man that is planning to kill me! Oh, sign me up! Is this the same person everyone is afraid of? This man right here is nothing short of a striking man.

Stop drooling! We need to get out of here Whitley

Right... focus we need to get out of here!

" You? You are the rogue? Are you meant to be here? Ar-are..." why does he sound so confused is he not the one that asked them to bring me here? Are they playing with me?

"I told you it is not me! What you need to do is find the one you are looking for. So, can I go now?" What is wrong with this ridiculously handsome man? And why is no one listening to me?

Somethings wrong he should be recognizing us... Why hasn't he said anything?

What do you mean by that Winter? Isn't the plan for us not to get caught?


Winter, we do not have time for secrets spit it out damn it

I cannot I'm sorry

So how do you plan on getting us out of here? Didn't you have a plan?


Never mind ill figure it out on my own then

"Why did they bring you to me?" Is he asking me? How am I supposed to know? I have been asking the same thing since I've got here

"I have been telling you. You got the wrong person I was just minding my business in the forest- "

"In the forest?" Did he just interrupt me? Rude much...

"Yeah, that is where I live with my father. Anyways as I was telling you when I was walking to my home- "

"You live in the forest with your father?" Oh, heck no!


"Right, I apologize." Should I apologize, his face is making me feel quite guilty right now. Ah, whatever!

" As I wanted to tell you since the beginning I was in the forest where I live with my father, he had gone missing so I went to go look for him and that's when I stumbled upon your men and they dragged me here under false pretenses... so here I am" Okay so I lied a little but you have to do what you have to do to survive right?

"GUARDS! Take her to a cell we are done talking" Yeah take me to- wait what? Why am I going to a cell?

"But... but... WAIT! Why aren't you letting me go?"

"I need to figure things out before I let you go..." Figure things out? I cannot go there!

"Wait, figure things out, what do you mean? Are you going to let me go or not?"

This can't be happening! Winter do something!

I-I can't...

Oh, when I get out of here, I'm so done with you!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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