

"Why do you care Xaidyn? Yesterday I was just the rogue that stepped foot on your territory." "You're my MATE!" "NO! I'm nothing to you remember that." Whitley didn't grow up normally. She had no family, and the only person that ever loved her is now nowhere to be found. What is she left to do but go and ask for help from the people that might have done something to her father? Xaidyn isn't your average Alpha. His wolf is barely under control and his pack is hanging by a thread. The only person that can help him fix both of his problems is refusing to make things easy. How is he going to solve all of this? Read to find out

Christa_kadimba · Fantasy
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Pacing back and forth in my office recalling everything Argus said. Inhaling sharply letting out an exasperated sigh. What has mine and the pack's lives come to? Not only do we have this bad omen placed on us but now I need to find my mate in less than a month or else the future of this pack is as good as dead. Thinking about all this makes me frustrated. Soon as one problem gets solved five others pop up. What else do you want from me, moon goddess?

Alpha, we found her! Great another one of my problems. I almost forget about my rogue issue.

Bring her in! The faster I deal with this rogue the faster I will be able to focus on finding my mate.

"Alpha, we found the rogue just like you asked us to." Do they expect me to congratulate them on doing what I asked them to do?

"Leave her here and get out" I have enough issues to deal with. I don't need to deal with such petty issues however, it seems like my men can't do anything right.

"Listen man! I'm not the person you're looking for. You should probably let me go and go about your godlike work just like the god that you are! Oops, did I say that out loud?" This is a first, no one has ever spoken this much in my presence; does she not fear me? Does no one fear me anymore?

"Do you know who you are speaking to? It seems to me that you don't understand what's going on now, do you?" Getting ready to end this conversation with this good-for-nothing little girl. Turning around to face her, I didn't expect to see this in front of me.

A petite girl about 5'6. She had tattered clothes and old shoes which looked to have moss and mud caked on them. Despite her rough appearance, she was most certainly beautiful. She had beautiful chocolate brown skin. What drew me in most were her big brown eyes. Looking at them I knew I would be lost in them for eternity. Drifting my eyes away from hers. I see her afro sitting on her head like a crown. It was disheveled but beautiful nonetheless. She was like a desert flower, all beautiful and delicate looking from far, but you see strength and endurance behind it once you look closely. What is this? This is not the person I was expecting to see? Did my men make a mistake again?

"You? You are the rogue? Are you meant to be here? Ar-are..." I've never been as confused as I am right now. What is going on?

"I told you it isn't me! What you need to do is find the one you are looking for. So, can I go now?" I don't understand I asked my man to bring to me the rogue not some girl

"Why did they bring you to me?"

Zander, does she smell like the rogue that keeps entering our land? Zander?

"I have been telling you. You got the wrong person I was just minding my business in the forest- "

"In the forest?" The forest. Mmm, that explains the moss and the mud.

"Yeah, that's where I live with my father. Anyways as I was telling you when I was walking to my home- "

"You live in the forest with your father?"


"Right...I apologize." What is going on? She smells like the rogue but she doesn't look like someone that could outrun my men. Maybe her father is the one that is the rogue so my men took her instead of him. that's the only logical reason that I can come up with

"So here I am" Was she talking to me? You're losing it Xaidyn.

"GUARDS! Take her to a cell we are done talking" I don't know what is going on but I need this girl far away from me right now.

"But... but... WAIT! Why aren't you letting me go?" She said with a confused and hurt expression.

Why does looking at her face make my heart hurt so much? "I need to figure things out before I let you go..."

"Wait, figure things out, what do you mean? Are you going to let me go or not?"

Zander, who is she and why does my heart yearn for her like this?



Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Christa_kadimbacreators' thoughts