
The Alpha's mate not Love

After going against the law of the witches and werewolves, a baby was born from a witch and werewolf. The baby was extremely beautiful that it began to disturb the balance of the earth realm and the heaven. In other for her babies life not to be in danger or for the baby not to be taken away the witch had to give the girl an elixir to grow ugly instead of beautiful by the day. ***** Rachel had to suffer being the most ugly girl in the world wide werewolf specie but life becomes utterly unbearable when she's the Alpha's mate but he doesn't love her but someone else because she was too ugly.

Anita_Badei · Fantasy
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4 Chs




"Watch out honey!" I heard a familiar voice warn before I fell into total darkness.


"Hot! Hot! Hot! It's hot! It's too hot!" I screamed. From the way I was reaching my hands out, I believe someone was with me and was watching me but why? Why wasn't anyone coming to help me out?

Out? What of where?

'Out of where?!' I screamed internally to myself but I couldn't answer myself.

Why was it so hot? It was as if I was in a pot being cooked alive!

"Mom!" A voice cried out.

It was faint but it echoed in my head. I'm not sure who cried out mom but if it was me then this could mean I have a mother!

Of course, I had a mother, who would have given birth to me? Or did I fall from the sky? This could only confirm that I used to stay with my mother.

But then, why aren't I with her anymore? Was I abandoned?

Was I too ugly to keep?

Suddenly I felt myself sinking, I was sinking deep into the water and it penetrated my ears, nose mouth, and skin.

My eyes flew open but I couldn't see anything.

I tried getting up but I couldn't stand on anything, everywhere was wet!

Soon the waters got into my eyes and I could no longer keep them open so I shut them, I shut them tightly and focused on something else, something far more important, breathing!

I was drowning, I gasped for air but only water filled my throat and nostril.

My heart pounded and my head joined in.

Sooner than later, I felt my head becoming too heavy for me.

I couldn't breathe and now I had a headache. I don't want to die, especially not like this, it's too painful.

No, no, no no no! I don't want to anymore! Go away!

I kicked and pushed the waters away as if that would do any good. I shook my head vigorously and I felt a tear rolling down my left cheek.

"Rachel! Rachel! Rachel, please wake up." I heard someone say.

Hearing that voice, I immediately want to go there, I want to leave this suffering and meet the owner of that voice. I can't stand anguish anymore.

"Help me!" I cried out for help. "I don't want to die!"

"It's okay Rachel, you're not dying! You're okay. You're safe I promise." The voice said to me again.

"I'm not, I can't breathe." I cried then struggled to breathe again. The fact my talking underwater is not my concern right now.

"Yes, you can!" The voice said.

"I said I can't you moron! Help me!" I cursed.

I heard a chuckle soon after that, "okay why don't you try opening your eyes."

"I can't!" I replied.

"Try please!"

"No, I'm scared!" I cried.

After that, I heard a stinging pain in my left cheek.

"Open your eyes god damnit!"

I quickly flew my eyes opened and sat up gasping for air like a fish out of water.

I turned to my left and then touched my left cheek, "ouch!" I cried.

"You're welcome." Davina sarcastically replied from where she was standing.

After that, the pain in my head sink in and I had to support my head with my palms as if that will help.

"What is it again?" Davina asked worriedly as she quickly rushed closer to me.

"It's just another headache. Don't be alarmed." I reassured.

"Right." She hissed, "when will they go away?"

"It's caused by stress, nothing else otherwise the doctors would have known by now."

"Okay but regardless, please rest, lie back down so you can relax," Davina instructed as she supported me to rest back down.

When my head touched the pillow, it was then I could take in my surroundings.

I had forgotten to worry about where I was. That's what a regular being with a brain would do but I didn't.


"What happened?" At least I can still ask this much.

"Mom and dad had returned and were just bringing in the new microwave when both of you mated." She joked and laughed at it on her own.

I rolled my eyes. "Hahaha."

"I'm sorry, bad joke. But lighten up a bit will you?"

I turned to her then flashed her my own set of teeth.

"You see, I'm smiling."

"If that's how smiling looks creepy then I don't think anyone would want to." She said looking horrified.

I pouted at her and she smiled, her smile was beautiful no doubt. "I kid, you look ... Decent when you smile properly."

I couldn't help but laugh at her attempt at complimenting me.

She's not a girl of empty words. The truth was I didn't look too good but she still wanted to compliment me regardless to make me feel better.

"Aww that's sweet of you, trying to compliment me but you should just give up, you can't bring a true compliment when there's none."

Her face fell, she was no longer smiling but looked serious now. "There's a compliment for you Rachel, but I won't be the one to say it. A very special person will say it to you and it's not forced nor false."

Seeing her serious look, this is not a matter to be argued upon.

So I smiled and nodded. "Okay, smarty pants. Love expert, why don't you tell me more about what I had witnessed today." I teased and smiled trying my best to look as happy as possible. While my heart pounded in my chest like a drum.

She blushed bright red.

"He's my mate!" She beamed with excitement and happiness.

My heart sank to the bottomless pit.

I knew he would never look at me yet I couldn't help but have a crush, I am a girl after all but now that Davina's his mate, there's no more hope even though there was any.

"Really?" I forced myself to say, "how did you guys find out?" I asked trying my hardest to swallow the lump in my throat.

"Well umm don't laugh at me but it was killing me not to know who my mate was and liking a guy who probably isn't so I pretended to be cleaning." She shyly responded.

My eyes widened, "cleaning? At that hour?" I asked bewildered.

"I was desperate! Anyways," she continued with her story, "That's what I did and I swept towards his table and pretended to bump into and take his order..."

"You do know that you'll have to take his order regardless right?" I cut in.

She was about to say something but hung there.

"I forgot." She sheepishly said after a while.

I burst out laughing.

"Hey, I said don't laugh!" She whined.

"I'm sorry but I can't help this, I'm I rubbing off on you?"

"I hate you." She whined like a baby.

"Okay I'm sorry, what did you do next?" I inquired.

She took a look at me then shook her head, "no, I'm not telling."


"Cause you'll laugh at me."

I rolled my eyes. "Find I promise not to laugh.

"Trust me you will." She insisted.


"I pretended to strip." She announced. "Damon is a very sweet guy, he's the best!" She exclaimed.

"Why do you say that?" I asked to promote the topic but I suddenly lost interest as jealousy filled my heart. Will I ever be happy talking about my mate like this? Do I even have a mate cause no guy seems to be interested in me at all?

"Because I actually lost my balance while pretending to and was prepared for impact with the floor but he..."

"Caught you." I helped her conclude. "you've become clumsy whenever you're around him."

"I know and I can't help it. I just like him."

"I'm happy for you." I smiled at her.

Her playful demeanor vanished immediately after that and pity filled her eyes. I had to look away.

"I know you too had a crush on Damon..." She began but I cut her off.

"He's your mate Davina, ever since I saw both of you today at the table, I kinda knew so since then I had prepared myself to let it go. That crush is nothing now."

"Babe, I promise, I swear you too will find your soulmate!" She said pleadingly as if begging for my forgiveness.

What a sweet and kind-hearted best friend I have, how could I have ever had any jealousy for her in my heart? It's wrong. I must only wish her good things.

"Davina, I must admit that I am a bit jealous, your life is average yet still amazing while I don't know what to hope for." I quickly shut my eyes as I felt the tears gathering.

"Yes you do, you have lots of things to hope for, like your mate for example. I've heard of some wolves finding their mates late but I've never heard of never seeing their mates. You'll find your soulmate trust me cause now I'll be extra vigilant. I've found mine so it's only fair you find yours. I'll make sure of it." She speech.

With the seriousness in her eyes and my still pounding head, I don't dare argue. I only nodded when needed to.

"Babe trusts me, oh and you know Damon's family work's with the beta right? He's given me invites to invite me and my friends to the ball in London! We must go so we can find your mate!"

Hearing that, I quickly turned the other way, "I don't have the strength to travel." I grumbled.

Davina forcefully turned me back, "we are going!" She ordered. "Whether you like it or not."

I made a sick face and she hit my arm. "Oh, can't you ever think of the fun we'll have?"

"Okay tell me this Davina!" I suddenly sat up. "What guy will want to touch me and know that their fate is sealed with a person with this kind of face." I pointed to my face for emphasis.

She huffed. "Don't be a party pooper, okay why don't you go for the adventure you'll have? What good is there staying here doing the same thing every day with no plans! You said you were envious of me because you don't have my life yet you don't do anything about it! What kind of a girl are you!" She shouted frustratedly.

I placed my hand to cover my ears a wines bit, "Davina do you want me deaf?"

"At least that will be a good reason why you don't listen to me because you're deaf!" She shouted again and a nurse turned to her then shhh her.

"Do you want to be kicked out?" I laughed.

"Shut up, don't talk to me! Why can't you just imagine the people we'll see? We'll be able to see Axel! Robert and of course Athena! My idol." She sighed.

Upon hearing her name, my attention went back to Davina. "Athena will be there?" I asked.

"Yeah? Are you also her fan?" She asked excitedly with hope-filled eyes.

"No," I answered bluntly which crushed the joy in her eyes.

"Then why are you suddenly interested in her?"

"Because I think I may know her from before. She has glowing beauty and someone was talking about her in my memories and I was there also!" I tried my best to explain but I'm sure I did a crappy job at it.

The expression on her face told me yes, I did do a crappy job at explaining but then she quickly masked it.

"In that case, we'll be leaving for London!" She announced.

"Why?" I laughed. This girl will do anything to drag me there even framing me for committing a crime in London then ask me to be arrested there.

"Because if you know her then you have to speak with her. This is an opportunity for you to uncover the mystery of your past!" She insisted.


"This is fate!"

"Davina!" I laughed.

"And if you're worried about your face, well I forgot to tell you that the ball is a masked one."