
The Alpha's mate not Love

After going against the law of the witches and werewolves, a baby was born from a witch and werewolf. The baby was extremely beautiful that it began to disturb the balance of the earth realm and the heaven. In other for her babies life not to be in danger or for the baby not to be taken away the witch had to give the girl an elixir to grow ugly instead of beautiful by the day. ***** Rachel had to suffer being the most ugly girl in the world wide werewolf specie but life becomes utterly unbearable when she's the Alpha's mate but he doesn't love her but someone else because she was too ugly.

Anita_Badei · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Glowing beauty

Chapter One

Glowing beauty

"How are you Elizabeth? Any headaches?" A kind-looking man appeared in front of me.

His face was blurry so I'm not sure I'll be able to recognize him ever but he was wearing a white coat which makes me believe he was a doctor.

"No." I heard myself reply.

"Really no?" He inquired. I don't remember what I did next but I probably nodded.

He smiled revealing a nice set of teeth, everyone I've ever seen always has nice teeth.

"Then does your stomach hurt?" He asked. This time I'm sure I shook my head.

"Then why did you, faint honey?" He asked whilst softly stroking my hair.

"I don't know," I replied. "You're the doctor so you should be the one telling me." I hissed. "Stop what you're doing it's irritating me," I yelled and slapped his hand away.

Ah yes, I was a bratty little kid. Very sassy too. I've almost forgotten if not for all these memories.

He smiled nonetheless and shook his head. He must have been used to my attitude.

That means he knows me well, but why don't I recall him? If only I could then half of my quest might be solved.

I sighed.

I buzz from my phone distracted me.

I took my phone from the counter and saw I got a new message.


I smiled as I read the content of the text.


I texted back.

While getting a cup from the cabinet I received another text.


Two? Who's the other for?

I quickly spied through the window, my eyes went straight to the table close to the entrance by a window.

Immediately my eyes landed on a guy with dirty blond hair. His beautiful blue eyes were looking at someone intensely. All his attention was on that someone, from his expression I'm sure he didn't want to lose focus and miss whatever the person was saying.

My eyes tore from his handsome face with chisel jawline to the person sitting across him.

I felt a pain in my chest

Sitting across him is a familiar brunette with a beautiful smile and a beautiful set of teeth. Her dark brown eyes were filled with joy and hidden excitement.

Her lips were curled downwards and anyone would mistake it for a frown but being her best friend, I know she's just suppressing her smile.

My eyes went down the table and I could see his legs moving towards her slowly until they touched.

She couldn't contain her joy anymore, she blushed bright red. Seeing her reaction, the blond guy's face brightened and a smile slowly crept up his face.

My heart dropped then I suddenly felt guilty for ever feeling this way.

Suddenly the girl's face turned towards me, our eyes meet and I quickly got rid of the sadness in my eyes.

I don't even know what's going on yet and I'm getting heartbroken?

I smiled at her then looked down at my phone


I texted.


The reply came almost immediately.

I nodded then got two cups out.

I placed the chocolate on the fire then went over to the counter and sat on it.

"It's obvious they're together now. I should just get myself ready instead of deceiving myself only to be heartbroken later." I said out loud.

"Please turn up the volume!" Someone shouted. I quickly jerked up and my eyes met with a boy with white eyes. He frowned at me. "Hurry, Athena is on the news! I want to listen." He instructed.

I nodded then scanned the kitchen for the remote control.

"Where is it?!" I shouted.

I wasn't seeing it anywhere around and I was getting a bit nervous now.

"Hey stupid! Why are you so slow?!" The boy yelled.

"I'm so sorry sir, I just don't remember where I left it," I explained, my eyes pleading hoping he would calm down a little.

"Why are you so incompetent? You always forget, idiot." He cursed. Nope, he didn't calm down instead he got worse.

"Hurry before I miss her part!" He yelled.

Damn it, this loser boy! I wish I could rip him into pieces!

No, I need to calm down.

Strong emotions cloud my thinking and if I want to find this remote control and partially escape an ear full then I need to calm down.

I mentally debated with myself then took a deep breath and release it.

"What are you doing? I said hurry!" He shouted again and I jumped in fright.

Suddenly the alarm went off, the fire alarm had sensed smoke and it was then I realized the chocolate had heated up enough.


I quickly rushed to off it but the boy yelled again.

"What is wrong with you? This place won't burn down because of smoke, just find the remote god damnit." He cursed.

He startled me yet again and my heart started pounding in my chest.

"Hey stop yelling at her, can't you see she's busy?" Someone yelled at the boy in my defense and my heart calmed down a bit once I heard her voice.

"Rachel wait let me help you." Davina, my best friend, and savior rushed to my side. "Are you okay?" The pretty brunette girl asked.

I nodded. "I'll turn off the fire while you find the remote please." I pleaded with her with my eyes.

She understood immediately.

"Of course." She answered with a smile and then left to get it.

I went and turn down the fire and got the chocolate down then served them on the cups and placed them on a tray.

I slowly heard the volume of the television increase.

Athena's name was the first thing I heard.

"You're useless here, I wonder why they still keep you here cause you're too slow!" I heard the boy from earlier hiss.

I slowly turned in his direction and glared at him. If only looks could kill, that boy would be dead already.

I suddenly felt a hand on top of mine.

"Forget him, you know that's just how corner is." I heard Davina's soft voice say besides my ears.

I sighed then nodded.

I got the tray and was about to go over to where they were sitting when Davina suddenly stood in front of me.

"Hey, babe, why don't you just relax, I'll take the chocolate, that's where I'm going anyways." She smiled and blushed slightly.

I nodded and she took the tray from me. I watched as she briskly walked away leaving just me in the kitchen again.

I looked around then I walked over to the counter again and sat.

Hopefully, no customers come in, I don't think I can handle any more stress. I'm always very weak and slow and not to mention, forgetful.

"Athena is one of the fastest and most skilled fighters of the werewolf pack here in America! She single-handedly fought 50 rouges trying to steal from the royal pack. Not only that but many have paired Athena with the senior son of the royal pack, Axel Timothy since none of them has found their mates yet. She is truly a good fit for our future king and Alpha as she's not only strong but radiantly beautiful. She'll make a good Luna with her glowing beauty."

The reporter went on and on with Athena, everyone loves Athena and pairs her with Axel that's no news but something said suddenly sparked up my memory again.

Glowing beauty.

"Wow! She's beautiful, really beautiful! It's as if she's glowing?" Someone exclaimed inside my head. I'm not sure who it is, but I'm sure it's a lost memory.

One of those I've been looking for.

I pushed my head further to remember, that I need to see some faces but unfortunately no face was clear either.

From my point of view, two people were talking in front of me but seemed really tall. Probably I was still really young then.

"What do we do Maxwell? She's becoming too beautiful and people are starting to question it. It's like she grows more beautiful than before by the hour! She's starting to gain extremely glowing beauty and that's what only the people of the heavens possess!" A woman complained. What? They are probably not referring to me, cause I well know I've been ugly right from birth in fact you could say I grow ugly by the hour cause that's why I'm always in the kitchen and not serving anyone. Werewolves are known for being really beautiful in every way possible and it's a disgrace for them to call me part of their specie with my kind of face so it's no wonder I was asked to remain here, it's a business, after all, I can't chase customers away and it's also for my protection so I don't get bullied always.

With that being said I'm a hundred percent sure I wasn't the one they were referring to but, glowing beauty? Could they perhaps be referring to Athena? Could I have known her before?

Suddenly something struck me as if a light bulb lit up on my head.

Could she be my sister?

That would make sense but...

I stood up from the counter I was sitting and looked at the walls close to the entrance. There were posters advertising a hair shampoo promising even longer hair than the ones we already have.

But that's not what's important, what's important is the model smiling at me with her midnight black hair down, beautiful amber-brown eyes staring at me, and beautiful tanned skin. Her pointed nose isn't crooked in any way nor are her small lips that are now in a smile. The model was looking perfect in every way from her hair to her face.

The model was Athena and I could see no resemblance between her and me.

But to be sure cause I always forget things, I went back to the counter and got my phone then went back to the window.

I was right, just as I suspected, she has midnight black hair while mine is white as the moon. She had amber-brown eyes while mine was gray. Her face was completely smooth with no imperfection but mine was filled with acne.

Yet, her nose is pointed just like mine and we both have small lips!

Oh, wait I had almost completely forgotten that almost all the population of female werewolves had this feature.

I sighed again.

Now, what is it? Were they talking about Athena or not?

My eyes suddenly shifted to the blond guy and Davina. They were both laughing loudly and enjoying themselves.

There weren't many customers in, but the few that were still sitting with their partners were all laughing or smiling, looking really happy.

Just one, one boy, the white-eyed boy who yelled at me earlier, corner was alone but not in his heart as he kept on looking at the posters of Athena.

I'm the only one here who's trying to recall her past and get a life. A better and happy life. I'm the only one struggling.

Realizing this only made me feel lonely.

Suddenly I heard Davina's laugh from across the room. She was laughing hard that I cringed.

What was he even saying that would make her laugh that hard anyway? Or was she this way because she had been suppressing her laugh since?

I wonder what could be the reason. I've never been on a date before so don't expect me to know how it feels to be flirting with a guy.

Whatever the case may be, I'm happy seeing her laugh like that, it's satisfying.

But not completely. I also wish to laugh like that.

I don't know what would bring me that joy but perhaps a little satisfaction from knowing my life would help.

And it was back to the counter again to remember some more things.

As soon as my butt touched the counter, a loud bang came from the kitchen door, I turned to see who it was but I felt myself falling from the counter and I embraced myself.