
The Alpha's long lost heir

SKIP UNNAMED CHAPTERS AS A RESULT OF A MIX UP... "Why did you have to get married to me then if you knew you were going to throw me away!" She yelled. He exhaled gently and faced her, his face blank, his eyes surprisingly cool. "That's because, I had to save my crown and my throne. Now, let me live my life." "Why did it have to be me?" She palmed her face. "You know she's my fated mate and there's nothing I can do about it." With tears in her eyes, she slowly picked up herself and nodded. "I'll sign the divorce papers." • • • Nyx is torn with grief, when Alpha Oberon, her husband decides to divorce her after he claims to have found his fated mate. She leaves the pack out of the fear of returning back to her abusive and cruel parents and raises her child all by herself. Years race by, with the new Luna not being able to produce any heir for the kingdom. A seer tells the king that he has a heir who has the king's blood running in his veins. What happens when he realises the child is from the very woman who once offended? What will he to do convince her to come back in order to save his throne and kingdom?

Tessy_Writes · Fantasy
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114 Chs

Confusion or his conscience?

Oberon headed to his study room. The activities that were happening since last night was really disturbing. He hurried to the study room, Mark leading him.

They got to the study room and Mark showed him the note. The handwriting was peculiar and seemed out of place.

'You decide to destroy innocent blood! Your own blood will be lost and you will beg to see it, in the nearest future. Your pack shall be on verge of destruction.'

He stared at it for a while, then the writing disappeared. He blinked and looked at mark who stared on in disbelief.

"This... wasn't even sent by a rogue, but it's from a werewolf and not a normal one too."

Mark shook his head, "This is unbelievable your Majesty, I still wonder how this got here." He said quietly.

He bit his lips, "Assemble all the guards and do it right now!"

"Yes your majesty." He nodded and left the study room immediately.

Oberon was a little but shaky, he sat on the chair facing the window, "I wonder how this got here. Who is this werewolf?"

His heart was unsettled and he stood up for and walked towards the window, "This.. note makes me feel all restless. What does it mean? And innocent blood?" He frowned.

Mark came back, "Your Majesty they are all assembled." He informed him.

He nodded and went with him to the main hall.

They all bowed as soon as he entered the hall.

He raised the note, "How did this get into the palace? Where were you all when the stranger entered?" He asked fury was evident in his eyes.

They all trembled, their leader spoke up, "Your Majesty, I can swear that no one enter the palace last night. We still don't know how this got inside." He replied shakily.

Oberon was furious, he held his head and paced forth and back the hall. Who was he going to blame?

"For goodness sake, who is this?" He yelled.

They all shook, he bit his lips and continued pacing, he was too restless and furious to sit down and think.

"Tonight, make sure you keep a very close watch over the palace, make sure it's properly guarded, am I understood?"

"Yes your majesty." They all replied.

"For now, no one can go out of this palace, except myself. Am I clear?"

"Yes your majesty."

"You all may leave, your watch starts now. You can do it in shifts if you want but make sure no where is left not guarded."

"Yes your majesty."

They all filled out of that room except Mark, "What do we do your Majesty? This werewolf could be a threat to the pack." He said concerned.

"It does not have to be a thing of worry if we can disable him now, all we need now is to catch him and then we have everything under control." He straightened his face.

"Yes your majesty."

"But for now, warm every member of the pack, they need to be very alert."

"I will do just that your majesty." He bowed and left the room.

Oberon felt so uncomfortable, he wiped his sweaty forehead, "I have to find whoever is behind all these." He told himself.


Elena sat on her bed, she too was aware of the recent happenings and it got her very worried.

Oberon came into her room, she looked up at him, "Oberon, you are here." She stood up.

He sighed and gently rubbed his neck, "Mother, I do not know why but I am so restless. The note is scaring me." He bit his lips.

"What did it say?" She asked curiously.

"It says I am destroying innocent blood and will one day beg for my blood also. What does that even mean?" He shook his head.

Elena creased her brows in thought, "It possibly could not be talking about Nyx, could it?" She was very worried.

His heart skipped a beat, "Nyx?" He said more to himself than to his mother.

"I doubt it mother, it could not have been referring to Nyx." He shook his head but his insides didn't seem to agree with him.

Elena exhaled deeply, trying to calm herself down, "That note definitely has a meaning, we can not just overlook it. This is serious."

He sighed, "I do not know what to do mother, this is confusing and somehow scary." He exhaled.

"If the note was talking about Nyx, then I suggest you treat her with utmost respect, she should not be treated like a toy."

Oberon felt a twitch in his heart, that was the least thing he was doing. He closed his eyes, he didn't seem to fathom a way to stop doing that to her.

He sighed, "Well.. I... "

"Do not tell me you have been treating her like a nobody." She squinted her eyes.

He shook his head, "No... I have not done anything to her." He exhaled.

"We just have to be very careful, anything could be the cause of that note."

He twisted his lips, anything could been thr cause of that note. He straightened his face, "Thank you mother. I have something to deal with." He left the room.

Elena held her chest, she sat down on her bed, "I just hope we get through this."

Oberon went to Nyx's room, he didn't knock, he just barged into her room.

"Nyx? Nyx? Where are you?" He called.

She came out of the bathroom, "Yes?"

He looked at her, he went to her and gripped her arm.

"Did you tell anyone about what has been happening between us?" He asked dangerously low.

She shook her head, "I... There is no one to tell." She held her breath.

He arched his brow, "Mmh, then why does it seem that note is talking about you?" He frowned.

She blinked, "Me? What note?"

He shook his head and let go of her arm, "This is confusing." He held his head and walked to the window.

"Which blood was that note talking about?" He frowned.