

*Olivia's POV*

I kept running, feeling the wind rushing in my ears. My wolf was tense, making me run faster than normal.

I heard a growl behind me and I made the mistake of looking back. I stumbled over a tree trunk and fell to the floor.

"Get her." I heard a voice hiss and I immediately scrambled to my feet. I took on a fighting stance, glaring at them.

The one in the middle was staring at me with wide eyes. His eyes were dark, like the night sky when the moon was nowhere to be found.

Behind him were at least three more wolves, all wearing the same band around their wrists.

I felt a shiver crawl up my spine when I realized what they were. My wolf said it for me, her voice sounding like a growl. "Rouges."

The night sky eyed wolf smiled, standing straighter. "You are smart. But I would beg to differ since you are here. What are you doing around our parts?" I kept my eye on him, watching him move around me. "I don't want any trouble."