
The Alpha's Human Luna

Nancy Neo was a nomad who traveled around towns and cities. Her family decided to settle in Akin City which promised peace and safety. However, beneath the surface, Akin City was not as safe as it seemed. Nancy felt lonely and isolated in her life and did not know that there were secrets in the modern world she lived in. One of these secrets was the existence of werewolves, who were hidden from the public's gaze. One night, Nancy stumbled upon a werewolf pack's celebration while exploring a new territory. She witnessed a primal revelry under the silver light of the full moon. As she watched from the sidelines, the alpha of the pack noticed her. To her surprise, it was her lover, Baby, who was the alpha of the pack. Nancy was confused and struggled to accept the revelation that her lover was a werewolf. She stood at the intersection of two worlds - one of human fragility and the other of primal power. Only time would reveal the secrets and the path she was destined to tread in the city that promised peace and safety but delivered unexpected twists and mysteries.

Marianne_2020 · Fantasy
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302 Chs


Feeling a little out of place, an unease feeling gulped me. I had to fake a smile each time grandma introduces me to the guests.

"Grandma, can I take Nancy with me for a while?" Zenab said rescuing me from the guests and grandma's old stories about mum.

Even though it helped me understand her being overprotective. She gave up so much for me to get better.

"Sure my dear, you siblings can go talk alone," grandma responded.

Zenab and I walk out of the hall to the garden, there was a big fountain in the middle of the garden and a statue of a king holding a sword and a lion or it a tiger lying under his feet.

It was obvious it was the statue of grandpa. I wished I had met him.

"That's father, I mean grandfather. I still can't get used to that yet," he said breaking the silence.

"I understand," I said with a gentle smile. There was another brick of silence between us. No one knew what to ask or how to even start a conversation.