
Chapter 8 Check of Her Body


  Andrea woke up from her numbness after a burst of electric current passed through her body. She slowly opened her eyes. What she saw was another strange room.

  Where was this place?

  A test tube, retort stand, evaporating utensil, beaker, and measuring cylinder...

  This definitely was a laboratory.

  Why was she here?

  When Andrea noticed that something was wrong. She wanted to got up, "Ah!"

  She unexpectedly pulled the thousands of wires that were plugged in her body, and a sharp pain came out, causing her to scream in pain constantly

  "Don't move randomly, I'm making a test." A low voice sounded from a man.

  She saw a tall figure appear in front of her when she heard the voice. He wore a clean tidy white coat and put his hands in his pockets at will. When he came to her, he was wearing a smile and he looked very kind.

  Andrea couldn't help but be shocked. This type of guy would usually be the school hunk in her school. He looked sporty, clean, and warm.

  Just in time that he was also the type that she liked.

  Thinking of this, her cheeks couldn't help getting flush. She was a bit shy and didn't dare to look at him straight .

  "Why has your face turned red, Miss Lopez?" Andrew stared at her cheeks with curiosity and looked at her carefully.

  Andrea was astonished and her heart beat speeden up. "No, no. I, I'm only feeling very hot."

  "You are so cute." Andrew touched her head chronically and smiled lightly.

  Andrea only felt that her adrenaline was rising rapidly, and her nervous heartbeat was drumming away intensely.

  "Do you have to be so touchy while doing the test?" In a sudden, a cold voice broke in her beautiful visions. 

  No need to guess, Gideon definitely have arrived.

  Andrea's excited heart cooled down in a instant at the sight of him.

  This terrible man made her extremely disgusted and provoked her most sensitive nerves. His cruel behavior made her hate him a lot.

  "Young Master Gideon." Andrew returned his hand and simulated to move aside as if nothing had happened. He looked at Gideon smiley.

  "If you smile at her like this one more time, I will sew your lips together," Gideon threatened savagely.

  "I won't smile anymore, I won't." Andrew was shocked and quickly covered his mouth. 

  Having rdestroyed her time alone with the handsome guy, Andrea's face was filled with resentment. "Hey, when did you let me go? Why did you bring me here? What do you mean with these wires all inserted in my body?"

  "Ask him," Gideon said casually.

  Andrew explained in a respectful manner, "Miss Lopez, this is a testing instrument. We need to check your body. As well as, we will draw some of your blood later."

  "Draw blood? Why? Why do you need to examine my body? Why did you lock me up and do all these odd things?"

  A bunch of questions from Andrea made Gideon frown unhappily. He glanced at her boredly and said, "I, Gideon, do whatever I want without explanations.

  Only one sentence ruined Andrea's all hopes. That's right, he was Gideon! She had no right to doubt him.

  It's just that

  Even if the King wanted something, he must think about the feelings of others as well. How could he do anything at his will?

  "Gideon, you've illegally immured me and even did those despicable things to me. I will use my right to sue you!" Andrea said threateningly.

  Gideon completely neglected her. He looked up at Andrew and asked anxiously, "How much longer do we still need?"

  "Young Master Gideon, almost there. Please wait for a little moment."

  "Hey, don't think that I'll make a compromise just because you don't reply me. Even though you're the great Gideon, so what? There is law in the country, I'm going to call the police and I'm going to sue you." Andrea struggled to shout.

  Gideon breathe deeply, turned around, and walked to the laboratory table. He picked up a rag and put it into her mouth without hesitation.

  "Mmmmmm." Andrea looked at him stunned.

  "If you keep talking nonsense, I will ask someone to slice off your tongue," Gideon spoke angrily.

  Andrea was so scared that she froze in a sudden. She didn't make any sound anymore, but her big eyes were still staring at him furiously.

  Andrew sighed with a sense of helplessness and whispered in her ear, "Miss Lopez, you'd better calm down. He is Gideon, the Duke of England. Even if you call the police, no one has the courage to handle him."

  His words made Andrea aclm down instantly, also she was shocked at the same time.

  He was a Duke, all the officials, no matter what kind of position they were in the country, would have to respect and bow down to him. She forgot.

  There were also many news claimed that  how he would emerge as the leader of business and politics in the future.

  How could such a powerful and strong person be scared of such an unimportant person like her?