
Chapter 56  Must Marry Andrea As His Wife

  Jacqueline nodded, “Yes.” 

  At that time, she was also very surprised when she heard those words.

  "That is so annoying. I don't know what drug that vixen gave to Douglas, which makes him fall head over heels for her."

  Celeste frowned and said unpleasantly.

  "Mom, how can you talk about sister like that?" Jacqueline reminded her, "Sister was the one who was supposed to get married to the Roberts family anyway. Douglas just doesn't want to change things right now."

  After she said that, Celeste became angrier.

  "What's the matter with you, my child? Why did Mommy do this? You always wanted to help your sister, has she ever said thanks to you for your help? How can she marry into the Roberts family with a dirty body? What if they know about it and cut off the wedding? If that happens to the Lopez family, we wouldn't know where to place our faces."

  "Enough, stop aying it."

  Vincent interrupted her without impatience.