
Chapter 49 Smash The Car!

  Seeing the situation, the policemen instantly stepped forward to stop his scuffle but were stopped by the bodyguards of Gideon.

  Someone recognized Gideon's identity and whispered, "That man is Gideon!"

  All people were stunned and did not dare to move.

  Gideon unties his sleeves with style. He rolled them up and sneered, "How dare you hit my woman? Guess you are brave enough huh?"

  Then, he kicked the man in the belly.

  The man shouted in pain.

  Andrea was shocked, she rushed forward to stop Gideon. "Hey, what are you doing?"

  "If you attack somebody, you will be arrested. Let alone if you attack somebody in a police station."

  "Shut up." Gideon glanced at her with unhappiness. "I've never seen a woman as incompetent as you are. You unexpectedly let him hit you."

  Andrea was so scared that she did not dare to talk. She bowed her head.

  Gideon glared at Andrea viciously and asked, "What the hell is going on?"

  Andrea blushed with disgrace.