
Chapter 62 He Said Only Marry Me?

"It's not what you think, Mom. Douglas is originally sister's fiance, so..."

"Shut up." Celeste shouted at Jaqueline out loud. "Why are you so naive? She's not a member of the Lopez family anymore. Douglas is your fiance. She's trash to us!"

The more she spoke, the worse her words became.

She would be seriously hurt every time Andrea saw Celeste. She had endured it in several times. However, because she said those worse words this time, she couldn't stand it any longer.

"Auntie Celeste, can you please talk politely?"

"Why? You don't like to hear that?"

Celeste stared at her. "The more you don't like it, the more I want to speak rudely. For so many years, your sister has treated you so well. How can you rob away her happiness?"

"I did nothing. What do you mean I rob away her happiness?"

Andrea really couldn't bear being wronged unprovokedly. She would stand for herself this time.

The skill of Celeste that putting the blame on the wrong person was getting better and better.