
The beginning

A year ago"

"princess comes, I will show something" an angelic voice came from nowhere who woke princess Serena up that night and led her into the window.

"Do you see that?" the angelic voice asks.

"The forest?" the young princess asked back.

"hmm, do you wanna play with me there?" said the angelic voice

"But it's already dark?" the little princess said.

"but it isn't, a lot of people could see you, and they will stop you"

The princess' young mind thought carefully, the angelic voice was right, if she would try to ask her father he would never agree. This is the only way that she could go there.

"ok but promise me that we will go back immediately"

That was what Serena said, after that, she was already in the middle of the forest running faster and starting screaming. 

"help! Is there someone out there! please help!" she was crying out loud, her feet and whole body were so exhausted. She can feel that she has a lot of wounds everywhere and its sting and it was painful. 

She doesn't know how she ended up here. All she remembered was in her dream a beautiful girl was smiling at her. She was fascinated by her beauty so she kept on following that lady.

"roar" Her eyes widened in fear, a lot of dark creepy creatures were coming after her. She was trembling while running for her dear life. She knew that if they caught her she'd be dead. 

Run! Run! her conscious mind forced her to run even if she couldn't take it anymore. 

She could see that just a little bit longer and the sun would come creeping in the sky to help her, but then she fell on the ground... and lost her hope... she would die in this place.



Serena is still a pup, a princess of the crimson blood pack, a group of wolves living underneath the earth. The creature here never experienced seeing the whole form of the sun and moon and even the whole world. Why? because they were millions of feet far from above.

Serena was always curious about everything, though she doesn't have the freedom to do whatever she wants.

She grew up within her castle walls and never tried to step out of her room. Her parents and even her servants always warned her, don't go out there cause there's a lot of creatures who are hiding behind that beautiful forest. Yet on her seventh day of birth, something whispered through her ear while she was asleep.

"Everything you've been dreaming of has been there" The angelic voice was so beautiful and alluring in her ears.

Her room was on the top of the castle so she could see everything there. Then she tried to run. She went into the woods and even though she was so afraid all alone in the murky forest she just ignored the thump of her heart. All she thought was what was inside of the forest that her parents were afraid of? because from afar she could see a lot of cute animals and even people of their kingdom and they were happily running around just to get inside of the forest. Sometimes she saw a lot of kids running out in the forest with a lot of flowers. Sometimes she would see adults coming back with a big animal in their back.    


"Ride on me, I will help you to escape through them"

Then a beautiful boy who has gorgeous golden eyes appeared from nowhere. He transforms into a wolf-like the other adult people of their pack. 

From a handsome boy, he changed into a freakish raven hue yet still has beautiful golden eyes. 

She was fascinated with him, by how beautiful the boy was. She's hoping that someday when the right times come she could transform into a lovely wolf like him.

With the help of that boy, she crawled in the back of the said raven wolf.

They run faster than no one in her pack could do. She knows better, she always watches her pack from where her room is, so she knows who was the fastest out of all of them, so far she hadn't seen a briskly like this boy. But who knows if there was one of the newest wolves that would be held tomorrow?

While they were running she looked at the sun that was almost soaring in the sky, while she was caressing the wolf she never stopped smiling despite her wounds and pain. Because she was thinking that she knew she already found her mate in this boy's form not because of his mien but because of how he made her heart crazy and made the butterfly in her stomach excited.

They stop in the place near the manor of the crimson blood pack.

I wonder why we should stop instead of going straight in? The boy put me on the ground and I scanned the place.

We stopped at the most beautiful place that I could ever see here in our world. Different flowers were covering the ground, there were few trees in the surrounding, there was a waterfall not far away, and a lot of birds that were flying while singing above but after that, they would fly above were a hundred holes were there giving the place a bit of light and energy. This is the first time that I feel that I was a real princess.

"Are you ok now?" The boy asks, yet he sounds not worried, he sounds bored or maybe doesn't care at all. But when I look into his golden eyes  I can see a lot of emotions. 

I suddenly felt extremely exhausted so I let my eyes close a bit, but I opened my eyes when the boy shook my body.

"Hey, are you ok?" That was the guy asking, yet why do I feel like I am talking to a different person? The golden eyes were still there yet there was something different...

And that was the time I heard a different voice calling my name.

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