

Maya's pov

I felt cold all over as I stood frozen, I couldn't get myself to react or utter a word after hearing Alpha Rick's demand. Complete fear took over me and I didn't know if I wanted to go back to that pack. I was still struggling to heal from the experiences I had when I stayed there and now alpha Rick wanted me back there, to go through all his torture! I didn't know if I wanted that for myself and at the same time, I was thinking about Killian.

I remembered all I'd been through in alpha Rick's hands when he tortured me and I knew Killian would go through worse, I didn't want that for him. He was one of us and I knew if I were in his shoes, he'd try to save me too. I slowly sat down, still clueless on what to say to everyone as they sat with shock and anger and worry all over their faces.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Asher yelled as he punched the wall. His veins stood out on his neck and I was scared of what he could probably do in that state of anger.