

Maya's pov

I could no longer stomach all of Asher's gaze and claims it had zero effort on me … fuck butterflies my stomach was a whole nest of birds, each flying and blinding hitting the walls of my stomach that were how had I felt Asher's gaze burn through my soul the whole time.

Every bit of my mouth still had a hint of mint and sandalwood…the mouthwash and the aftershave smell of Asher. After our little time in the dining room, this morning he had left with Daniel to nobody's knows where. I and Edna had been calling their phones nonstop but wouldn't connect.

'did you try calling them again?" I asked Edna who was typing away on her computer in her room. Sometimes I wonder why even though they all have their separate apartments and condo they all still spent most of their time in the packhouse saying most of the time, I'm saying waking, eating, and going back to bed in the pack.