

Asher's pov

The nerve of this fucker! How had I not known?

Very true the saying ‘the enemy is within'. The sole reason why Edna Maya was presently not with me was because of this nincompoop that called himself Tyler.

'how many people are you working with?" I snarled but Tyler didn't answer. 'goddamit … who fucking sent you and how many were you that was sent?" I thundered causing the people in the prison to flinch with exception of myself, Daniel, and the fucking son of a bitch…Tyler. Hell, even the head of the guard that had earlier brought him jumped in fear.

'I'm alone" he whimpered out, blood coming out of his mouth as he spoke.

'like the hell, you are alone… tell me before I cut your tongue out. ``How many of your men are here in my pack?"y

'Just me," he said.