

"I Emma DRACKSON, hereby, reject you, Derek, Alpha of the Blue Moon's Pack as my mate." Derek's eyes twitched, and his fists balled, but Emma was far from being done. "Don't ever search for me for whatever reason. I never want to see you again all the days of my life. If I ever find any of your people spying on me, I will kill them, or better, I will burn them alive. Do you understand what I just said?" She asked when she was done. But Derek was mute. Melvina tried talking, but Emma shut her up with a wave of her hand." I'm disappointed in you, Melvina. So, keep shut." She stated in anger, not minding the murmurings from the crowd.  She knew why, but she didn't care. Melvina wasn't her Luna. *** *Emma, a 17 years old gutsy teenager is shipped off to southern England by her Dad to complete her college studies; a strategic punishment to tame her wild behavior. On reaching there, she discovers that half of the campus population were paranormal creatures, she thought only existed in comic books and novellas. She also discovered that she wasn't really her father's daughter, but was kept by him because of an oath made to a hidden lover. What happens when she uncovers the fact that she wasn't the average human girl, rather a fulfilled prophecy; a reincarnated queen mated to an Alpha wolf. What path does she choose when she is rejected by the Alpha wolf in the face of grueling circumstances?

nuvvy10 · Fantasy
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591 Chs


The warmth of the sun rays on the mountainous scape, made Emma wish fervently that she had dropped off her brown coat in the house; as she felt the pool of sweat that had formed between the layers of her breasts. Her thin white polo was also slightly soaked, and they haven't gotten to the restaurant yet.

She mused tiredly at the thought, and prayed silently, earnestly in her heart that they should get to the restaurant quickly. Her stomach was already making grumpling sounds.

Trudging down the grassy path with Melvina, Emma wondered at her agility, while neglecting the stares she was getting from the people that stood at the West end of the road, purchasing clothes.

"I didn't know that the restaurant is this far.." She said rubbing her hands together, stopping for a bit to shake her legs, in a tro and fro motion, one after the other; while looking up at Melvina.

"If you could remember, you were the one that wanted to walk. I had told you earlier that we should take a cab, but you insisted that you wanted to walk." Melvina said.

"Yes, that's true. But since we started walking, I haven't seen a cab man, just private cars." Emma muttered, ruffling her hair.

Melvina didn't know to tell the human that cab drivers weren't seen here; almost every family had private cars, or they could run it off.

She had only suggested it earlier because she thought she could call Brittany or Aaron to come and pick them up. But the human had been so stubborn. She knew she was hungry but didn't understand why she had refused to take a cab.

The human girl never ceased to amaze her. Just halfway into their journey, she had seen an old man trying to lift a wooden chair into the trunk of his car, and had rushed over to him.

She had scolded him lightly, and helped him to lift the chair into the trunk, all the while, not noticing the look of curiosity, surprise and confusion on the man's wrinkled face.

When she was done, she had waited, looking at the man expectantly; Melvina knew she had expected a 'thank you' from the aged man.

But, when she had seen that the man wasn't forthcoming with appreciation, she had told him that he was welcome with a high note, while muttering under her voice how ungrateful he was.

She didn't know that the two beings in front of her heard it. Melvina mused, thinking of it now.

She had held herself from laughing out loud at the expression on Agrippa's face. Agrippa, the old man that Emma thought she had helped, was one of the oldest werewolves in their pack, he was also an elder.

She had mind linked him, while Emma helped with his luggages that he shouldn't say any thing to her, she was a newbie-human that she was still studying.

"Luna what's going on?. What is a human doing in our pack?". He had asked, through the mind link.

"Dunno Agrip, but I'm trying to find out" She had replied.

"Have you told alpha about it?." He had queried.

"No, not yet. But I will." She had replied,in a bid to placate him. She knew her pack members, they were very cautious, sometimes it's overboard.

" Okay, be careful. She might be a spy." He said.

Melvina chucked inwardly, Emma was anything but a spy, she thought. The girl was totally clueless of what's really going on, but actually witty enough to notice and grasp the happenings around.

"Where are you going to?." She asked, now taking note of his luggages.

" I'm going to Ai. Alpha told me to inquire from Agagog about Derek's abilities as he turns 18 in a month" He said, walking towards the driver seat of his truck.

Melvina agreed with this. Her son was special, she knew that.

"Ok, safe journey Agrip." She had said conclusively.

" Okay Luna, thank you. Stay well". He added, looking at Emma who was now dusting her hands, after carrying the last luggage into the car.

The human had asked her later why she didn't help her in carrying the man's luggage. She had replied that she looked like she had it under control.

Melvina thought she was caring, and a good fit for her son but she wasn't a wolf. Her husband would throw a fit, if it ever happened. She chuckled at the thought of arranging a wife for her rude son.

"Hey!" Emma shouted.

Melvina jerked back from her reverie at the human's voice.

"You kinda zoned out." Emma said, her eyebrows raised.

"Oh sorry, I was just thinking" She replied.

" Okay, I do that sometimes. Can you tell me why there are no cabs here?" Emma asked.

Melvina stilled.

" Uhmm.. I think they are having a meeting" She said.

Emma knew she was lying, but she didn't call her to it. Although her curiosity was now piqued further. 'Was this an elite place?' She thought.

"Okay. But why are these people staring at me?." Emma continued with her train of questions, wiping off beads of sweats from her forehead.

Even though the guys were handsome, and the girls were too beautiful, she still thought that the stares were getting way out of hand. 'They should snap out of it already.' She muttered.

Melvina thought of what to say, and then replied..

"They are just curious about you". which wasn't a lie actually. She knew they were curious about the human who was walking in a wolf region, moreso walking with their Luna.

But she had to admit, that their looks were much.

"Don't worry about it, it's because you're a new face." She added.

"Is that the restaurant?" Emma questioned, pointing at a beautifully designed eatery tagged Fill Up. She mused at the name, as she turned excitedly to Melvina.

"Yes, it is." Melvina replied, smiling.

"Finally." Emma stated dreamily, walking faster.

Melvina smiled at the human's bid to walk faster, and concluded that; she must really be hungry.